Nicky was a really great friend. He had a very soft voice when he spoke and was in honors. One thing Tina loved about him is that they would always greet each other the same way everyday." Hey Nick!" She would greet, happily.
" Hey!" He would say while on his phone.One thing about Nicky is that he was very predictable. Everyday it was always the same thing.
He comes in. Greets Tina. Mike asks for the homework. He doesn't have it. He leaves early. That's how it was everyday. At least, that's what Mike was getting at." You always say that." Mike was telling him after Nick didn't again have the homework for him.
" Always say what?" He asked.
" Say you don't have the homework!" He answered.
" Well, I never copy it down." Mike and Nicky said at the same time.
" How'd you know I was gonna say that?" Nicky asked confused.
" Cause that's what you always say."
" He's got a point." Tina said passing by.
"What are you guys saying? That I'm predictable?" The boy asked Coldly.
" That's exactly what we're saying." Mike told his friend.
" I'm not predictable." He said sharply.
" You kinda are." Tina said slowly.
" I'm not and I will prove it."He went over to the computers and got a big Text book and threw it on the ground. The sound was so loud, it made the whole library shake.
" NICKOLAS POWERS!", The tutor screamed.
Nicky turned around in a dash, not beliving what he just did." You are on trash pickup for the rest of the week." The tutor grumbles stomping away.
Mike and Tina walked up to him.
" Well that was unpredictable." Mike said defeated." Yup, proved us wrong nick." Tina agreed.
" Thank you." Nicky said as he walked away." Totally could tell he was gonna do that." Tina whispered to Mike.
" Same here" Mike smiled.