In case you're bored

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What to do when bored ~
°Listen to listed songs
· A few good/weird songs you may wanna listen to are~
°Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish (video linked)
°Water Fountain - Alec Benjamin or Nightcore Verison
°Kitchen Sink - Twenty-One Pilots
°Russ - Losin Control
°Judge - Twenty-One Pilots
°Watch YouTube
°Read stories or fanfictions that are weird yet you are oddly addicted to reading them because you have issues. O.o
°Don't judge the third recommendation
°Do DIY's (Make slime, stressballs, etc.)
°Watch movies (Crybaby, Coraline, Labyrinth, etc.)

Also, I'm sorry about not updating my other story. I'm still thinking of its plot since I keep changing my mind.

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