What's going on?

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"Why did she ignore us?" Isabelle asked everyone, hoping that they had an answer.

Alec, who was sitting opposite of her at lunch, answered, "We don't know Iz, we are all thinking the same thing."

"Well I'm going to go and find her, I'll ask why she is ignoring us and what happened to her. Plus, why did she change her name to a shadowhunter one?" Jace was already walking away from them and as he saw a certain redhead, he started walking faster.

"Clary! Please stop and talk to us!" Jace yelled after Clary had seen him and had started walking away.

"Why should I? I don't know any of you. I just came here!" She yelled back and suddenly, there was someone behind her.

"What? You don't remember us? How?" Jace had been very fast and gotten behind her in record time. He was holding her, his grip on her shoulders firm.

"What are you talking about Herondale? Yeah, I know all of your names, because my father said to stay away from all of you: Herondale, Lightwoods and Lewis." Clary saw the hurt in his eyes and finally added, "I don't listen to my father much, so. What do you want?"

"Come sit with us, it may seem kind of weird, but we all know a lot about you." Jace was pretty shy.

"Well... at this point, no. I'm obeing my father, I'll get in a lot of trouble if I don't. So... don't come near me again and tell your friends, who are eyeing me like I was a piece of meat gone missing, that thanks, but no thanks. I don't want to know who you are." At that, Clary walked away. Who the heck are they? They are total strangers to me and they say the know me? How? I just moved here about a month or so ago.

"Somethings so wrong here." Jace finally went back to their group.

"We can see that ourselves. But, what is up with her? She acts like she doesn't know us." Simon was the one who started talking. He went threw the memories he had with her.

"Clary said that, she doesn't know us and that her father won't let her be friends with us. There's something much bigger going on here." Jace said to the group and looked toward Alec, "you know we are going to be friends with her. Right?"

"Why should we? If she wants to be friends with us, she would've come here." Alec said and at that left the table. The only thing that he has been thinking about is that his parabatai is always worrying about some girl, who didn't even like him.


"How was your first day of Clarissa?" Valentine asked Clary as if she did something wrong. Her brother Jonathan had this evil look in his eye.

"Stop calling me Clarissa. Everytime I do something wrong you call me by my full name and when there's something I did that is super wrong, you call me Clarissa Adele Fairchild. And to answer your question: it was okay." She ran to her room and started sketching. She drew and drew until there was no space on the paper left. When she looked at the picture, she couldn't believe her eyes. It was her, with the Herondale, Lightwoods and Lewis. What? How? Why? She thought.

"Clarissa! You can't speak to me like that! I am your father! You have to respect me!" Valentine had started yelling at her and she just ignored him.

"Jonathan! Come here and get your dumb sister out of her room!" He was even more furious.

Jonathan came and tore the door down. He's eyes black as hell and once Clary saw them, she backed up and said, "Sorry father, it won't happen again."

"That's more like it. Now. Please, go and train for about 30 minutes. You'll go demon hunting today with Jonathan." Valentine said, pleased that her daughter had given up.

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