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Clary was starting to mumble again like she used to for the past week. Jace had not left her bedside. The funny thing is, that Jace actually liked Clary, Clary did too, but no-one knew.

"Jace...-" Clary was mumbling again, he was up on his feet in seconds. The chair he sat in fell over.

"Clary, please wake up." Jace took hold of her arm and suddenly jumped back. Clarys eyes had opened and what she said next, shook him.

"Jace, just kiss me." Clary said, it was the same thing she had said in her not-so-dream dream. As Clary had told him, Jace did and she actually woke up.

"Where is Valentine? Am I cured?" She started as soon as she woke up.

"Who is Valentine? And you weren't sick." Jace reassured her, he was happy that Clary was back, "I think you saw a dream."

"That must be it, I saw a dream about shadowhunters and warlocks and the inevitable. I'm happy I didn't die." She told Jace and hugged him tightly. She started to stand up, but as soon as she did that, she fell. Her feet were not functioning well.

Jace sprang into action and took hold of her and put her on the bed, "You still need to rest, you were out for months."

"Well, I think some art supplies are needed." She started laughing and took hold of Jaces hand.

Author's Note

This is the end of the story. Please give me feedback! 

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