16. Dinner nite

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Your POV:

I came back home about 12am. I wasn't tired at all but Justin is overprotective and he forced me to go to sleep because I can't be tired and I have to take enough rest everyday. Sometimes I laugh at him. I'm not sick, I'm pregnant and it doesn't mean I'm disabled. But I can't convince him and I have nothing to say about it.

Today I woke up at 10am. I remembered yesterday and if I didn't have this ring on my finger I wouldn't believe that I'm engaged. It's like a one big dream. My life recently is like a dream. If someone told me three years ago that I'll have my own family and my life will look like this I'd tell them they are absolutely crazy.

I was thinking for a good 30 minutes when I heard my phone. Justin was calling me and I was surprised he's not sleeping.

- Hi babe I thought that we could invite our parents today for a dinner and tell them about this all you know..

- Yeah good idea. About 5pm at our favorite restaurant?

- That's perfect, I'll tell them. I'll be there in 15. Love you.

- Love you too.

I quickly got up and went shower. The cold water ran down my body and it felt so good. After the shower I put my CK underwear and oversize hoodie. I was tying my hair when I heard Justin downstairs shouting "hello". "I'm coming!" I shouted back as opened the door. Justin was already sitting on the couch eating popcorn.

- Where did you get popcorn? - I asked because I don't remember doing popcorn recently.
- I found it in the kitchen why?
- Don't eat it! It's from last week!
- Shit.

I sat down on the couch next to Justin and he cuddled me. That's all I need. Even though we are together for over a year I still get this weird feeling in my stomach when he touches me. It's so pleasant. I only messaged my mom about the dinner and we started watching some tv series.

- Scream Queens? No fucking way...

- Hey! Watch your language! And it's my favorite show so I'm gonna watch it.

- You've watched it like hundred times already!

- I watch you everyday and I still love you.

- Okay deal... - he smiled and kissed me on my cheek.

~ 10 minutes later ~

- Cmon, she doesn't like any of those bags - Justin said.

- Shhh let me watch.. - I whispered.

- What's so cool about that. Even I know that Chanel numer 4 is dead...

I looked at him with doubt.

- Okay sorry this show is so interesting. - he replied.

I know he was so bored but I still loved this show. I'm glad he watched it with me so many times.

It was 3 when I went to my room to dress up. We wanted to go shopping before dinner so we had to hurry up. 15 minutes later I was ready. I wore my black jeans, white tshirt, leather jacket and my favorite converse shoes. I went outside to see if Justin is ready. He was already waiting in his car so I just get in and we went to the mall.

We didn't find anything cute and it was half past four so we decided to go to the restaurant. We get there at ten to five and it was the first time we weren't late. Soon we saw our parents coming in. They sit by the table and smiled. We ordered some food and waited.

- So guys what is so important you invited us here? - Jeremy asked and me and Justin both looked at each other.

- I proposed to Y/N and she said yes. - I saw how happy Justin was to tell them.

He put his hand on my knee and was still smiling like a little kid.

- Congratulations! - they all said in the same time.

- We are so happy for you guys. - my mom said and I felt so good because I knew that she's really happy for me.

When we finished our meal I needed to go to the bathroom so I stood up. Justin immediately stood up to and he winked at me. What a dork. He followed me until I get into the women's closet and he went to men's. When I finished I went out and waited for Justin. It's funny that it takes him more time that me by the way but whatever. Someone opened the door but it wasn't Justin. I ignored but the boy stopped when he saw me and he tried to flirt.

- Hi beautiful, how is it possible that I haven't noticed you before?

I was about to answer something when I heard a voice from behind.

- Go away before you notice my fist on your face.

Okay that was actually funny. Justin is so cute when he's jealous.

- Okay I'm sorry. - the boy answered and he quickly turned around.

I held Justin's hand and smiled at him.

- Do you know it's cute?

- When other boys try to pick you up?

- No. It's cute when you show them that they have no chance because I'm yours.

- I love you so much do you know that?

- I know. I love you too.

We sat down and continued conversation. Suddenly we saw a man next to our table.

- Your/Father's/Name is that you? Bro I haven't seen you in ages!

- No way! Robert! What are you doing here man?

- I'm just out with my family.

- Maybe you want to join us?

- Of course wait a moment.

Soon we saw Robert with his wife I guess and. I froze when I saw the boy who tried to flirt with me going with them. I knew it's gonna be awkward.

Robert started to introduce his family when it came to his son.

- And this is...

- Mr. Gonna steal your girlfriend.. - Justin whispered as he embraced me and smiled at him.

- ...Luke.

- Luke is looking for problems. - Justin said quietly but I guess they could hear him.

Luke seemed so ashamed but he has no other way so he sat next to us but didn't dare to say a word.

- So Luke my name is Justin and this is my fiancée Y/N.

Luke seemed even more ashamed right now and I really was about to laugh.

- Sorry br-ro... - he tried to say something but it seemed so hard for him.

- I know you didn't know, I just don't like it when someone picks up my woman. - Justin said and I felt butterflies in my stomach I don't know why.

- Okay I got it sorry again. - he murmured.

We spend the evening in a really weird atmosphere. It was actually funny how Justin was showing Luke that I'm his and every time Luke tried to talk to me, Justin was getting closer holding me all the time.

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