18. Clink

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Justin POV:

I got up and went to school. School is so boring honestly. If Y/N was with me it wouldn't be that bad but now it's literally the most annoying part of the day.

As soon as I entered my classroom I regretted that I didn't stay home today. I really want to cuddle with my baby right now and I don't need anything more.

- Bieber you're late again! - my teacher yelled and I really didn't feel like explaining.

- Don't tell me it surprises you.. - I answered quickly. She was so annoying literally.

- Bieber do you want to be in clink? - she said again. Dear God why she has to be such a bitch. She's not older than 27 years probably and she acts like she was 60.

- I know I'm pretty hot and stuff but I don't really feel like spending more time with you than necessarily. - I know I already made her angry as hell but c'mon I was late 5 minutes. She didn't have to act like this.

- You're staying after lessons on Monday!

- Oh unfortunately I can't, sorry - I said and faked smile

- I'm not asking you if you can or not. You are going to do this.

- I'm not going to do this because I have better things to do on Monday after school. And can I finally take my seat?

- Bieber you are to stay.

- No

- What is so important you can't stay longer in school?

- Sorry but on Monday my girlfriend has her appointment with gynecologist and I'm going to learn about if I'm going to have a son or a daughter. And it's hundred times more important for me so, sorry. - I said and smiled to her.

The whole class started to cheer up like they were proud of me that I just argued with my teacher. It's not like I wanted to. But I really don't like it when someone tries to stop me from doing something and I'm not really gonna care about her punishment for being 5 minutes later for her class because my life isn't the same anymore. Now I'm responsible for two more people in my life.

Luckily she shut up and I could finally sit down and keep ignoring this bitch.

I was thinking about my family when I realized that my grandparents don't know about Y/N's pregnancy. I mean I really want them to know because I love them and no matter if my parents are still angry at them or not, I want to stay in touch with them.

Next lesson passed off quickly and about 2 pm I came over to Y/N.

Your POV:

I was watching some tv programs when I heard a doorbell. I shouted "opened" and soon I saw Justin. He sat next to me and embraced me with his big arm. I could smell his scent and it really made me feel better. I love to feel him.

After few minutes he finally said:

- I was thinking today

- About what?

- You know, my grandparents don't know we are going to have a baby.

- True, we haven't told them.

- It's 4th month and we still haven't told them and I think we could just visit them.

- Good idea.

- We can go on Friday after I finish my classes.

- I can't, I'm meeting Carter.

- Who?

- My tutor, remember?

- Latin ass with fake tan right?

- Justin please be nice sometimes

- How can I be nice to a guy who tried to flirt with my girl in my presence? Who tried to flirt with my girl at all?

- He didn't, c'mon. - I softly beat his arm.

- Okay anyways we can go on Saturday then.

- Okay.

We spend few more minutes watching tv when Justin got hungry. He's hungry all the time actually. We got some food and we went to my room. Justin started to kiss me and I was kissing him back. He put his hands on my butt making me moan a little what let his tongue get inside my mouth.

- We haven't done it for so long - he said in between kisses

- Because I'm afraid to do it now when I'm pregnant.

- I understand you baby. Don't worry.

I know that he's okay with that I don't want to have sex with him right now but I just feel guilty. I want to give him the pleasure.

Justin picked me up and sat on my bed. I had my legs around his body and he was still kissing me. I slowly started to take off his pants when he looked at me surprised. I just kept doing and soon I saw how horny he was.

- Y/N you don't have to... - he stated but I didn't let him finish.

I stared to give him the pleasure he needed since few weeks. He was feeling good I guess cause he had his eyes closed while I was doing it. I admit maybe I wasn't the best but I have never done it before and it was kind of weird thing to me. When he came he looked into my eyes and said quietly "thank you". I went to wash my hands and after few seconds I was back. Justin was already sleeping. I laughed and laid next to him cuddling. He's so cute when he sleeps. I could watch him for hours. And I honestly can't wait for the moment I'll be able to forget about all of our problems and just look at him for hours in our own bed.

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