Chapter 1

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This my first story ever! Well not ever because i have written a bunch of like little stories but never like this! So I hope you enjoy it!

Update: If you have already read this book, you might wanna read it again because IM REWRITING IT AGAIN lololol. At the bottom of the chapters I'll write the dates that I rewrote the chapters. If there's no date at the bottom then that chapter is still trash because I haven't gotten to it😅
Okay I love you guys and see you next time!!♥️♥️

 If there's no date at the bottom then that chapter is still trash because I haven't gotten to it😅 Okay I love you guys and see you next time!!♥️♥️

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I sit up as soon as the ice cold water hits my skin. I gasp for air as I try to get my wet hair out of my face and look up to see my brother smirking. He chuckles and throws the now empty water bottle at me.

"Rise and shine sister dearest" he sings wiggling his fingers at me as he closes my door.

I sit and stare at the door Josh just left through and let out a loud sigh as I run my hands down my now damp face. That wasn't the most pleasant way to be woken up but it's certainly better than being beaten awake. A shiver runs down my back as I remember the last time that happened.

I throw my legs over the side of my bed and and stretch as I get up. Turning around I take a look at my blanket and sheets and let out another sigh. I'll just have to let them air dry and hope that they're dry by the time I get home.

Yeah as you can see I'm not treated very well in the pack but what can I say? Its tough love.

Looking at the clock on my nightstand as I'm shifting through the little bit of clothes that I do have in my closet, I see that I have about 20 minutes to get dressed and on my way to school. Challenge accepted.

I hurry up and throw on an old pair of black skinny jeans, a black zip up hoodie and my good ole black vans. Looking back at the clock I see I still have a good ten minutes left so I head to the bathroom across the hall to brush my teeth.

As I spit out the last bit of leftover toothpaste in my mouth I look up and watch the girl in the mirror. Blonde hair, big blue eyes, fair skin.

I stare longer.

A double chin, a fat neck, chubby cheeks-

I shake the thoughts out my head and throw my hair in a bun at the nape of my neck.

Should've known better than to stare too long.

As I ran down the stairs I hear the "cool" people from the pack in my kitchen. When I walk in everyone stops laughing and talking. I slow down my steps a bit and then sped back up. Just get in and get out Ash.

"Hey Ashley. Loving the look! Black is very sliming...well on most people."

My body tenses up but I don't say anything.

"Aren't you going to say thank you? I did just compliment you and we all know you don't get much of those."

I lock my jaw and turn around to face the table of wolves. Puffing out a breath I do a tight lipped smile.

"Thank you so much Raven." I grit out as I start making my way to the fridge.

Just as I'm about to open the fridge door I hear snickers and I already know what's coming.

"Do you really think you should be eating? I mean if I was your size I definitely would lay off the food and maybe I don't know, pick up a jump rope or something." I hear one of Raven's clones squeak out right before all of them bust out laughing.

I sigh and lean my head on the fridge door hoping that it's coolness would cool me down a little. Don't spazz, don't spazz, don't spazz  Ash. After a few seconds, I close the door and make my way out of the kitchen.

On my way out I turn my head and make eye contact with Josh. He stops laughing and looks away. I scoffed and walk out of the house, grabbing my book bag on the way out.


As I walk up the steps of the school, a smell hits me head on. It was like vanilla mixed with cinnamon which made for a very sweet scent.

Uh oh.


So I'm rewriting some chapters. Just making them better because they're just terrible.


So yeah....*awkward silence*




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