Chapter 5

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Ashley's Pov

*Run! Run! Need to run now! Run home! Isn't safe!* chanted my wolf trying to break free.

I was too tired to keep going back and forth with her on this. I just sighed and put my head back down on my knees. I was so scared but I couldn't show it. 

My body started shaking and tears started to build up. My heart started beating so hard that I felt it against the broken rib I won earlier as I heard the guards approaching me. But I continued to sit there in pain because what's done is done.

I heard growls from every side of me meaning I was surrounded. As I sat there shaking even more than before a guy came out from behind a tree throwing on a shirt. I could practically feel his glare burning a hole in me. 

"What are your reasons for trespassing rogue?" he snarled standing in front of me.

I kept my head bowed in submission but truthful it was also because I was too afraid to look up. 

"I don't know" I whispered. 

"Look at me when speaking rogue! Now what was that?" He asked again. I could feel the power radiating off of him.

"I don't know." I whispered finally looking up at him. 

He looked a bit taken back when I looked up but that could be because of the black eye. He then narrowed his eyes and scoffed.

"Yeah right. Let's go. I'm taking you back to my alpha" He said forcefully grabbing my forearm and pulling me up causing me to screech out in pain.

He let go instantly causing me to bend over to try to relieve some of the pain coming from my ribs. I groaned out in pain again. 

I could then hear arguing in the background.

"What did you do to her?" I heard another voice chime in. 

"I didn't do anything! I just grabbed her and she started screaming." said the first guy.

My hearing started going in and out and so did my vision. 

Soon my eyesight started to go black and I succumbed to the cold tingly feeling spreading throughout my body. 







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