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Alright so here's the new chapter! Hopefully you'll love it?


Josh's POV

Ashley is gone. Forever. Because of me. Her older brother. I'm the only family she had left and I treated her like dirt. I tracked her scent to the end of the territory and that's where it ended. It's like she just died right there but I know she didn't. She couldn't could she?

And what does Blake mean by his?What made her finally break?I have all these questions with no answers and I'm her fucking brother! I want no... I need answers and I'm going to get them one way or another.


Ashley's POV

"Stop! I'm sorry just stop! Stop please!" I begged. You see its been about a week since I left my old pack and a week since I met Collin. I'm shy around the new pack and sometimes I feel like I'm alone even when I'm in a crowded room.

Nobody here knows how I feel. Yes I'm happy that I found Collin and yes I'm happy that I'm not in my old pack anymore but when I see the pack members playing and joking around I wonder why couldn't I have that growing up.

Why did I have to be the runt of the pack? I've been depressed for a while and I've spent a lot of time in my room. Yes they gave me a room here. Even when I told them I would just leave. They have done a lot for me and I'm very grateful but its just getting abused and rejected has finally set in.

I've had nightmares about dying and they felt so real. I've wanted to die once. Collin trys to help me but the dreams won't stop. It's the same dream over and over.

Ashley's dream

"Wake up fatty! I want my breakfast bitch." yelled josh.

I tried to get up but got kicked in my face. I slammed down on the floor. I looked up threw my hair and saw the football team standing around me with smirks on their faces.

"He said get the fuck up bitch." yelled one of them.

I tried to get up I really did but they just kept kicking me. Two kicks to my face,three to my spine and seven to my stomach. Later I was curled in a ball on the floor in my own blood.

"I swear I just fucking told you to fix me my breakfast. What the fuck is taking you so long?" yelled Josh coming in my room.

"What the fuck happened to you?" he asked me worried.

"T-the football t-team...I-I tried to yell f-for help but I w-was in to much p-pain" I said tiredly.

"Stop fucking lying! Just for that stay your ass in the room you ugly bitch I cant even look at you." he yelled slamming the door.

I don't do anything but sit and cry myself to sleep. I'll never be anything.

End of Ashley's dream

"Ashley love its fine just wake up please. Your tears and screaming I just cant take it love." Collin whispered in my ear.

"stop please!" I yelled.

"Alright love you might like this and you might not but I need you to wake up" Collin said.

What is he talking about? I soon found out when i felt him bite my leg.

"Ahhh! You son of a pixie stick! Why would you bite me? Ow that hurt like a mother flubber!" I yelled jumping up out of the bed.

I looked down and seen no blood but i did see teeth marks. So he didn't draw blood. I looked at him and noticed he had a pained look on his face. I walked over to the bed and crawled over to him.

"Hey whats wrong?" I said to him.

Why wasn't he looking at me?

"Hey. Collin tell me whats wrong." I said lifting his chin making him look me in the eyes.

He had a sad and painful look in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I should've never bit you. I just couldn't stand to see you like that. I didn't want to hurt you. I'm so sorry." he said letting a tear fall.

Wow I never had anyone care for me like this. I don't know what to say or what to do right now.

I moved his legs and opened his arms and sat in his lap. I snuggled my head into his neck letting me breath in his scent. It smelled like roses. He slowly put his arms around me and pulled me closer if that was even possible. We sat there in silence just enjoying each others company and warmth.

"I don't know how you did it but you're the only person who made me cry. I just don't want to loose you now that I've found you." he finally said breathing into my hair giving me goosebumps.

"Well I don't think you ever will loose me because I'm not going to loose you" I said into his neck. I looked up into his beautiful eyes and said "Your stuck with me now."

He looked at my eyes then my lips then back at my eyes "Deal" he whispered to my lips before crashing his lips on mine.

Well this is going to be an exciting new world isn't it?





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