Chapter 6

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Ashley's POV

I woke up in a different place. On a bed to be exact. I don't remember how or when I got here but I do remember randomly passing out in front of some guards. I'm so pathetic. How could I manage to mess up dying? I really suck at everything I do huh.

I took a look around the room I was put in and just stared in awe. The room was absolutely gorgeous. It's high ceilings and windows made it so open and bright. There was a window facing towards the woods and I fell in love. I also took notice of the fireplace which warmed the room. The floors were gleaming in the light from the windows. It's truly amazing! 

I go to get out of the bed and that's when I notice a hand holding my right hand

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I go to get out of the bed and that's when I notice a hand holding my right hand. I narrow my eyes at how I could observe this whole room and yet I didn't even notice this hand holding mine. My eyes travel up from the heavily tattooed hand to the very tan arm to the shoulder and finally the head which was laid on the bed as he slept and the rest of him sitting in a chair. 

He had short messy brown hair, a long straight nose with a shiny nose ring, a very defined jaw line and tattoos crawled up his hands and arms, disappeared under his shirt and reappeared on his neck.

He was undeniably a very beautiful creature.

*What about mate?*Asked my wolf making me jump. 

And it all came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. I was rejected. I had no family, no pack. I was all alone. 

"Oh thank god you're awake. Are you in any pain? Thirsty? Hungry?" the man asked taking me from my thoughts.

I looked at him but said nothing. I noticed his eyes were a light green color framed by thick eyelashes. Could he get anymore beautiful? I started to think about how I probably looked at the moment compared to him and my insecurities came rushing back all at once.

I pulled my hand away from his warm one and pulled my knees up to my chest and started rocking. This was my comfort position. This is my way to cope with my life. 

"Hey hey look at me" he said coming into my line of vision but thankfully not touching me.

The power radiating off of him made me flinch a bit causing him to back up a little.

"It's okay, I'd never hurt you. I'm just trying to make sure you're okay. I wont touch you if that's what you want. You don't even have to speak either. Just shake your head no and nod your head yes okay? Can you do that for me sweetheart?" He asked me softly with hopeful eyes.

I looked at him for a minute before deciding yes and nodding my head. A smile bloomed on his face. 

"Are you in any pain?" he asked again.

I waited a moment before shaking my head no causing him to sigh in relief. 

"Thirsty?" He asked.

My mind was telling me to say no just in case this was some sort of joke. But my mouth was cotton dry and I really wanted it.

I nodded my head yes. The guy rushed to a bookshelf that held a tall glass of ice cold water. He then rushed back to the bed and held it out for me to take.

 I looked at him and then the cup and then his hand holding the cup.  How was I supposed to grab the cup without touching him? I'm disgusting and I don't think he'd like that. 

Understanding then filled his face and he rushed back to the bookshelf and rushed back putting the cup on the table next to me. The cup now held a long white bendy straw. I looked at the cup and then back at him as if asking if I can drink it.

"Go ahead sweetheart. It's all yours." he said backing up from the table.

I looked at him again and then at the cup. I slowly unraveled myself from the white covers and crawled on the bed over to the table. Once I got over to the table I looked at him again making sure it was okay. 

He nodded his head again. I slowly leaned over and captured the straw in my mouth and gulped the ice cold water. It was so cold that the water burned my sore throat a bit but it was a good burn. 

As soon as I was finished the entire glass of water I immediately crawled back to my spot in the middle of the bed, under the covers with my knees up.

The guy then sat down in a chair next to the bed with a smile on his face.

We stared at each other for what seem like forever but was probably only for a few minutes when my stomach growled breaking our staring contest and also making the guy's eyes go wide.

Oh boy.


1.) Aint stephen james thee finest guy evvvaaaaa omg i love him

2.) I changed this chapter in so many ways lol but give me feedback puh lease :)





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