Wires Crossed

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So in this one they are scientists and friends but you know me, they wont stay friends forever, please let me know what you think x


Moira thought that Cain told her everything. She prided herself in knowing practically everything about him and that soon he'll know that she loves him. Where did that come from? Moira thought to herself. She shook her head to get rid of that thought.

She saw that it was nearing 12 so she thought that she'd go out to get lunch at Costa. She packed her bag and drove to the nearest Costa. She ordered a pigs in blanket panini and a Americano."That'll be £6.80." The bartender said to Moira who handed the money over and collected her change. She went to sit at a table with her back facing the door.

She was halfway eating her lunch when she heard the door go and she heard two familiar voices head up to the counter."Please may we get two Americanos and two pigs in blanket Panini's?" One voice she'd recognize anywhere was Cain's and the other, as she peeked round, was Chairty. Moira looked down at her own panini and couldn't stomach it anymore so she got up with her head down and walked quickly out of the door. She looked back to see Cain and Charity smiling happily at one another and she felt jealousy and hurt stir at the bottom of her stomach.

(Later that day)

Moira was now snapping more at people now that she saw that Cain and Charity were together and she didn't have a chance anymore. When she stormed back into her office, she let a tear roll down her cheek before angrily wiping it away.

Why didn't he tell me he was back with Rebecca? She thought to herself. Granted that she wasn't the easiest to talk to but she tried for Cain.

She saw Cain nearing her door so she quickly locked it. Really? Cain seemed to mouth as he tried to open the door. She saw him grab his phone out and call someone, before she can try to guess who, her phone rang. She rolled her eyes and pressed decline. He left her alone for the time being.


Cain sighed internally. He saw her at Costa earlier and he knew that she was upset with him but he didn't know why. He bumped into Charity and they began to reminisce about their past. He did manage to get away when she tried to kiss him but he told her no.

When he tried to walk up to her office he could see that she looked alarmed and before he knew it, she locked the door. He tried to ring her but he saw her decline his phone call so he thought that it was best for her to cool down first then they can talk.

He struggled to stay away from the office so he decided to talk to the scientist next to him."What did you do?" The scientist, Katie said to him."Me? Nothing, I don't think." He said."Well she was happier before lunch and know she's like this and we know you two always have lunch together." Katie told him."She just saw me with Charity that's all, we were in Costa and she left before I could ask if we could join her." He sighed."Are you back with Charity?" Katie asked, having a feeling she knew what was up. She noticed Moira look at Cain but didn't tell Cain."No, I'm not. She tried to kiss me but I told her no." He told Amber."Well, I think you need to talk to Moira." Katie told him quietly."How can I if she won't unlock the door?" "Don't worry. I'll open it for you." She typed things on her computer."There you go it's open." She waved him off."Thanks!" He calls over his shoulder and she just laughed silently at how the two most smartest people in this building can be so oblivious to their own feelings.


Moira looked up in alarm, as she heard the door click.She saw Cain head towards her office and when she tried to shut the door, he put his foot in between it so it could shut."What are you doing Mr Dingle?" She asked him. She saw him wince at the formality. He stepped in and she put in as much distance as her office allowed, between them."Tell ne why you're upset." Cain crossed his arms."I'm not upset!" She told him. She turned around so she couldn't see him."Fine, then I'm going to stay here until you talk to me." He challenged her."Fine but you'll be there forever." She sat back down at her computer.

,An hour later and she glanced up at Cain when she felt his gaze upon her."What?" She snapped at him."Nothing just wondering if you're ready to talk about lunchtime." He said."Nothing happened at lunch today." She tried to lie but he knew what happened.""You and I both know that that's not true. You were upset when me and Charity walked into Costa together." He stated his hands on her desk in front of her."Ha! Please tell me, why would I be upset about you and Charity?" She stood up in a challenging posture. Cain reciprocated the stance "I don't know but you were upset. So I think that you were jealous." She scoffed at his arrogance "I wasn't, you can date who you can please." "Really so you wouldn't be jealous about me and Charity kissing or holding hands?" He challenged her."No!" She shouted."Really?" He raised his eyebrow and began to walk close to her.

She could feel his breath on her neck and she shivered at it."Uhuh." She felt her resolve weakening. She felt a burning sensation where Cain's hands went."Well I'm sorry to tell you that me and Charity aren't together." He stated. Her eyes flew open at this and she backed away from Cain."What?" She croaked out."Yeah, Charity and I aren't together." He told her again."Then what was that all about?" She asked him. "I wanted to see your reaction because I wanted to see if it was true." He shrugged his shoulders."What was true?" She asked him curiously."That you fancy me." He stated. She walked towards him and slapped him in the face "I do not fancy you!" She shouted."Yes you do, that's why you were upset earlier." She was fuming, "How dare you!!" She raised her hand to slap him but he grabbed her wrist. What he did then was a shocker. He kissed her lips, the kiss was full of passion, anger and jealousy, their tongues were fighting for dominance and he pushed her against the wall. One hand went to her intertwine his fingers in her hair and the other went to her waist. She suddenly realised where she was and pushed him away. They both tried to get their breath back. She tried to apologize but he shut her up with another kiss."Its ok Moira," his eyes were gentle."Its a good thing I love you then, isn't it?" He almost laughed at the look on her face."You love me?" She saw him nod his answer."Well....I may love you too." She teased."Do you need to test it?" He raised his eyebrow."Maybe." She giggled and leaned forward again to kiss him. This kiss felt different, it was like a lot of fireworks exploding in their hearts.

They pulled away."That was amazing." She said breathlessly. "Come on." He wrapped his arm around her waist."Where are we going?" She asked him curiously. "Back to my house." He told her. "Ok lets go. I'm driving though." She told him and he laughed.

,After dinner they officially became boyfriend and girlfriend, which Charity was jealous of but they knew that she wouldn't be able to break them up.

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