The Dance Floor Started it all

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I love this picture of Ethan I have no idea why but Damn.

Today was the day your two best friends were getting married.

You and Ethan had always been really close friends, so when it came to you being one of Amy's bridesmaids and Ethan being one of Mark's groomsmen. It was really easy and nice for you guys to be able to get together since you didn't know many people there.

The ceremony was absolutely gorgeous. You teared up when you guys left the chapel and Ethan pulled you into a comfort hug and handed you a tissue. 

"Thanks- uh god I'm a mess, I'm just so happy for them."

"I know-" He pulls you into a hug. "They are so perfect for one another that they met their soulmates. Heck Amy is as awkward as Mark which no one expected to happen!"

You smile and dab your eye again hoping to not screw up your makeup.

You two walked together to take wedding pictures with them. 

"Let's get a picture of Mark and Amy with Ethan and Y/n"

Ethan stood next to Mark and Amy and I stood next to each other, Us four were partners in crime and it's a shame to see it go, even if I was happy for them.

-Flash forward to the reception-

Both you and Ethan gave heartfelt speeches on how you were so happy for them and how you wished them the best, But Tyler who is flat drunk gave the saddest speech of all. Telling stories of Mark and him when they were little and making the mood sad yet getting better as he cracked jokes of Mark being a doofus as normal.

"I will always-" [Burp] "Remember the day that Mark dared me to stick my dick in a hole of our treehouse when we were 7. It got stuck and he panicked and ran home telling no one about little old me with his dick stuck in a treehouse. Little did he know, I knew where he lived since we were neighbors and I snuck in and super glued his hand to a stuffed animal of a cow and here we are now- our little Markimoo is getting married."

We all teared up as Tyler told sweet stories and hilarious stories of Mark. 

We finished the speeches and we went onto party time. Ethan and I being the odd men out had decided to drink and talk since we were both now legal age to drink.

Soon enough we were drunk but no where near as drunk as Tyler who was now passed out on a table. 

A slow song came on for all couples,

"Would you care to dance with me? A giggly Ethan asked.

I nod and we head towards the dance floor.

You refused to admit it, but the loneliness that always set in the pit of your heart, was now gone as Like I'm Gonna Lose You, By Megan Trainor and John Legend came on and Ethan held you close to you swaying back and forth.

I believe we both became sober for that dance. We stared into the other's eyes with love.

I laid my head against Ethan's chest as we swayed and he collapsed his arms around me like he has always wanted to do that.

Soon the song ended and it was now the time to catch the bouquet,




I caught it?

Soon I was ushered to a seat while I watched Ethan and the rest of the guys try to catch the garter and soon Ethan walked triumphantly towards me. According to the tradition, we were now the next people to get married. I put the garter on and now Ethan took it off of my leg as instructed by Amy and Mark who I was sure were making up the rules. Another slow song came on and now it was time for the slow dance between the bride and groom and the individuals who caught the garter and bouquet. 

We make our way to the dance floor and immediately went back to my head resting on his chest.

"I hope that us catching the garter and bouquet means something. Because I'd love to be the next person to get married and i'd be even happier if it was to you. I don't want this to be the last time we slow dance like this."

"and who says it will be the last time we slow dance like this." You say with wink.

"I guess you can say the dance floor started our relationship?"

"yeah It did" You say with a chuckle 

"Do you know how much I lov-" Ethan is interrupted by a large drunk man.

"Ethan, my main man... How have you been. I hear that Mark got married and that is sick. Did you get to slow dance with Y/n like you wanted to so badly." Ethan's body stiffens for a moment.

I laugh into Ethan's chest and he begins to relax. 

"After this dance I am taking you back to the hotel room Tyler, You are too drunk to be making good life decisions." 

"Can I join you? Unlike Tyler I am sober enough to make good decisions like hanging out with you." 

"Only if you are okay with watching a grown man vomit up his stomach and crying over a toilet."

"It's a date then?" I ask.

"It's a date."

A/n- I like this one. I think this was a cute one. It's a little short for my liking but it is still quality effort and feels.


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