The Roller Coaster called the Friend Zone

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It was 4 months ago when you told him.

~ F L A S H B A C K ~

"Ethan Nestor, I have fallen head over heels for you." You say with confidence taking over your body.

"I'm sorry y/n, I don't think of you in that way. I'm sorry." He couldn't even hold eye contact with you anymore, he held eyes with the fresh green grass beneath you that would have bet a million bucks was painted.

"Oh, it's fine. I just wanted to let you know because... yeah. Can we stay friends?" He nods and gives you a hug and walks away, leaving you crushed and left to hold this feeling.

~ R E A L I T Y~

Ethan didn't begin as one of your friends. You were at your lunch table and one day he just appeared. You two hit it off for your collective love of memes and doggos. The more you were with him, the more you began to get feelings for him. The way he would giggle at the simplest thing, the sass he would give to his teachers when he didn't feel like working even when he knew the teacher's didn't care, the way he didn't care what other people thought about him and yet the second something happened he would rush to your side to help. 

Crushes never worked well for you, boyfriends never worked out and were healthy, you never choose to fall in love with him. You were fearful and goddamn were you becoming a thrill seeker because of your blue haired knight.

I'm not in love...

I'm not in love...

I'm not in love...

You were kidding yourself, you were beyond in love with him. When you got the idea to tell him how you felt, it took a lot of time to prep yourself to tell him. Confidence is key and you were a lock with a lack of a key. Locked in your own mindset, you never dreamed one day you could confess how you felt. If only it had ended better. 

After you told him, things went back to normal as if nothing happened. He showed you memes and doggos everyday at lunch and would playfully crack jokes to you in class. To him nothing changed between you two. But to you...

You were breaking.

Months go by and you still are left with this empty piece of your heart.

A mask is slapped across your face, 

Things are fine.

I'm fine.

life's great.

Today you were at lunch and no one was there other than Ethan. You talked like no one was in the room. You laughed at everything and yet you still missed this piece of your heart.

He walked next to you when the bell rang and you couldn't seem to push yourself through the hallway.

He sent you a text asking for help on homework saying you were the only one who he trusts to ask.

I'm trusted.

He purposefully had a meme or video that made him think of you that he would show you every morning.

You were thought of- Even when you weren't around.

Yet you were stuck in the friend zone.

"Hey Y/n, I was going to go bowling with my buddy Everett but he cancelled. You up for bowling? I'll pay." You smile and nod.


He picked me up at my house and we drove to the bowling alley, he won 2/3 games where the one that I had was a close game to him. We drive back and he pulls up to the park that you once poured your heart to him in.

"Come on Y/n! Keep up!" He yells running to the swings.

You sit down on the swings next to him and he begins to push you like the teacher would when you were in grade school. Once you gain enough height and you are dying of laughter you slow down and sit conversing with him. Memes filling the conversation of course as you both butchered the art of conversations. But you hold the conversation close as the bright moonlight night lit up the park.

"Y/n can I do something?" Ethan changes the conversation abruptly. 

You nod with no idea what would come next.

He swings his swing to grab onto yours and slams a kiss against your lips.

He breaks the kiss not knowing how you would react.

"I've been needing to do that for a while now."

"Why Ethan- What changed?" You ask with your heart slightly head over heels but slightly breaking.

"I realized how great you are, and how I let the most perfect person in the whole entire world- including the meme lords- know that I didn't like them. But I just didn't have the right look at who you are. You are funny, awkward, shy, dorky and weird but in the greatest way possible and I treated you like garbage which I regret not taking an extra millisecond to realize all of those things. I figured it would only be the perfect place to tell you then here. But I can't help the idea that I am falling in love with you when I left you falling."

You pull him close and kiss him softly.

"I'm still in love with you too."

"Sorry I put you on the ERC." He says softly.

"The what?" You ask.

"The ERC- Emotional Roller Coaster. I basically friend zoned you to take it back which is a huge douche move. " He explains like this was common knowledge.

"Ah... the roller coaster called the friend zone huh? Well I guess this ride ended up pretty fun in the end all along."

This is a more somber take on my writing, so hopefully you enjoyed it! I do a lot of public speaking and creative writing in this style and so this style is easy for me to do. Dark but classy. Hope you all enjoyed this and have a great day today!


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