Raising good kids

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Little author's note so I movie marathoned while my friend slept so anxiety who? Thank you for all the kind words. I have an anxiety disorder and so this happens a lot.
Anyways! This is inspired by one of the movies I watched! Also I cant figure out bolding on mobile so sorry if it is rough.


Ethan and I had been married for 10 years now. We had a 9 year old son named Edmund and a 6 year old named Lillian they were really good kids besides a couple incidents with Edmund's behavior.


"Of course I am the better child, I can even prove it." Edmund says to his friends as his sister watches on.

"You can't say anything Edmund- Mommy and Daddy love us they said it themselves." Lillian says with frustration in her tiny voice.

"Oh yeah? Well at least I don't cry about monsters in my room. Go cry to Mom and Dad" Edmund says.

-flash back over-

You are probably wondering what we did. I wanted to ground them but Ethan had a better idea.

-Separate Flashback AND POV change to Ethan-

"I can handle this y/n." I say gesturing Edmund into y/n and I's room and sit his down on the bed as it is taller than him to get onto.

"Edmund let's have a chat. I want to know what is something you are afraid of?" I ask.

He goes wide eyed.

"Of not having you guys... And spiders." he says with a 'yuck' noise at the end.

"Now let's think about your sister. You have had plenty of other fears right?" he nods. "And you still have a fear of losing us and spiders?" he nods again.

"Now how many times have you struggled to get over this?" I ask.

"A lot I guess." he says.

"Your sister has a fear of the dark and monsters in her room. Now she is young and shouldn't have to fight her fears alone and so she comes to us when she is scared." I say looking down at him making sure to see his eyes for attention.

"She is only 6. Now why are you acting like you are high and mighty when you have fears too?" he looks down as I say exactly what he didn't want to realize.

"Now you see what I mean?" he nods.

-perspective change is now to Edmund-

What Dad said was true. I'm not all high and mighty and I should look out for my little sister.

I go to bed and lay down watching my dad's YouTube videos.


I open my door and walk across the hall to my little sister's room to her crying on her bed. I walk over and give her a side hug and say,

"Come sleep in my room. I'll keep you safe from the monsters."

"But I thought I was wimpy for that?"

"Well Lill, I'm human too and Dad helped me realize that."

Lil and I walk to my room and I turn on my closet light and she rested next to me as we slept.

"Thank you Edmund"


-pov back to You!-

"Ethan how do we have such great kids?" I ask.

"We taught them well." He says.

"What did you say to him?" I ask.

"What I once had to get told myself." Ethan confesses.

"Let's get the camera for this moment!" I say.

"We don't need a picture. This is something he will hold onto for forever."



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