Forgive to forget Part 1

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It was October when I first started to notice. Ethan was going out editing for Mark later and later.

He seemed to act as if nothing was happening, but it didn't make sense he was staying so late... Like next day type of late.

It was when he started to come home smelling like another female and red lipstick on his cheek so bright it could kill a man that it started to make sense.
Ethan's true colors are beginning to show, but the true question is what happened to our trust and honesty.
I made him feel like a king and yet I'm just this throw away whore to him.

It's time to dethrone the king.

He came home drunk this morning, underage meant nothing to him- he was fucking everyone up literally and metaphorically.

I slammed my fist on the table in front of the drunk blue haired figure I once knew.

"Hey babe what's up?" He groggily says.

"I'm not your babe, I'm just a whore you use, Ethan and I'm done being used."

His eyes widen and he leaps to sit up.

"Y/n what are you talking about, honey I love you."

"And clearly I'm the mess up batch of honey considering you have been cheating on me for the past month."

He remains silent.

"You know what I'm done. Clearly I mean nothing to you, and yet I still treated you like a king. You know what screw the king. I run the ship called my life and I want you to leave.
Goodbye Ethan."

I make a bag together and begin to walk out. He has his hands resting his head and he looks to be sobering up.

"And Ethan..."

He looks up at you.

"Screw you for treating me like that."

You walk out as Ethan lays down on the couch stunned at himself.

Goodbye Ethan... Forever.

Sorry I'm an angsty human being.
Part two coming soon.

1st Edition: CrankGameplays ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now