Feeling down

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2 am-

You laid in bed wondering why things just weren't going the way they should. You look to your side and see your handsome little blue boy sleeping quietly next to you. You kept stirring in your sleep and soon you woke him up.

"Babe- Can't sleep?" Ethan says in his raspy morning voice.

You don't say anything, you kinda just wrap your arms around his stomach pulling your head onto his chest. Your actions cause him to wrap his arms around you holding you close and you slowly begin to fall asleep.

9 am-

You looked to the bedside clock and see the time. You've been on and off sleep but this time you knew you weren't going back to sleep. Your mind just couldn't stop racing.

Could I have done this differently?

What if I did this instead of this?

Why did this happen?

Lately stress has been getting to you and your mind was a never-ending track meet. You never wanted to worry Ethan with that so you kept it to yourself. 

You quietly sit up from the bed and move to your bathroom you shared with Ethan.

You stared at yourself in the mirror specifically taking notice to how tired and worn down you looked. How you looked like you aged from this all. 

"There is my beautiful girlfriend. Admiring your beauty in the mirror like I always do?" Your boyfriend walks in wrapping an arm around your waist.

You look down not knowing what to say and release his arms from your waist walking into the kitchen. Clearly worrying your boyfriend of 5 months.

"Y/n, what's going on? What did I do?" He says following you with worry in his voice.

"Nothing, I'm just tired okay?" You say turning around to face him.

"Then we can go back to bed y/n. We could go back to sleep or we can cuddle." 

"It's not that simple Eth." You say ruffling his fluffy blue hair.

You turn around and head to the kitchen to cook breakfast.

You woke him up now how do you feel?

He doesn't care.

Your mind wasn't stopping, the simplest things had the most negative thoughts to them. Even spilling some flour making pancakes made you want to cry. 

You were having a terrible day and feeling super down.

You finished making the pancakes and you made a plate for Ethan and yourself, but you couldn't get yourself up for eating so you put your plate in the fridge. 

"Hey Eth- I made pancakes, I'm not up for eating at the moment but I made you a plate." He nods with slight concern in his eyes. 

You were sitting in the living room staring at the ceiling trying not to cry when Ethan walked in to eat his pancakes you made him. But instead of sitting to eat, he came to sit next to you.

"Babe, tell me- What's going on?" He says wrapping an arm around your shoulder in a supporting way.

"I'm fine, what do you mean?" You say clearly not pleasing Ethan's question.

"I smell a lie. You know you can be honest with me right? Did something happen? Did I do something? Is something specific on your mind?"

"No no, you didn't do anything wrong. There isn't anything on my mind. It's just- everything is just making my day bad. I've just been feeling sad all day, that's all." You say as Ethan listens carefully.

"You could have told me that Y/n. You are my girlfriend and I love and care for you." He says with seriousness booming in his voice.

"I just didn't want to bother you."

"PISH POSH Y/N YOU NEVER BOTHER ME." He says quickly in response.

"What can I do for this to stop." You say with seriousness in your voice.

Soon Ethan swept you off your feet bridal style and carried you to the bedroom and plopped you on the bed.

"Stay here for a second." He says as he goes to grab something.

About 5 minutes later he comes back with every blanket and pillow in the house and piles it on you. He leaves multiple times returning each with Snacks, movies and drinks.

"Now. We are going to make a blanket and pillow pile and cuddle in it, get super comfy, eat our snacks and down our drinks because Staying hydrated and eating is important. As we watch your favorite movies." He says shifting the blankets.

9 PM- 

You guys have been in this pile all day cuddling. At around 5 PM you guys decided to order a pizza, the sound of his heartbeat and the warmth of the blankets and his body pulled you to sleep. You woke up to a half asleep Ethan holding you in his arms protectively.

"Good nap Princess?" He asks in a hushed whisper.

"Yeah, thank you for looking out for me. You really are my knight and shining armour."

He pulls you into a tight sweaty hug,

"Anytime. How about we turn off the lights and go to bed for real. Your body needs a good amount of sleep each night." He says in a warm tone.

"I'd like that."

He turned off the lights and soon you were back in his arms both of you slowly drifting asleep together.

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