Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.

"Everyone in a line please!" Mr. Polsiri shouted. Yay theatre class with ugly over-reactive teacher. Everyone moved so that they were in a line. We weren't many, they were about 15 students.

"I want every single one of you to tell me about yourself, why you signed up for theatre and your favorite play. Starting with you." he pointed at me.

"I'm.. uh.. Allison Wesley I'm 16, I'm in 12th grade. I signed up for theatre because my bestfriend told me to. Im not much into plays but I'd say uhhm I dont know.."

"Favorite movie?" Polsiri insisted.

"Uhm.. I have many but I'll say Ted!"

"Good to hear Allison" Polsiri smiled, I swear he had a rape face like literally his crooked teeth, with a grin that streched from ear to ear.

You know that sort of smile 'hey little kid ive got candy' ugh whatever but it was creepy.

"Next" He pointed at a guy. I didnt see him earlier. He had dark brown hair, grey-ish eyes. He had a muscular body and he was wearing a black polo and light blue jeans. He had an oh-so-beautiful face and he had an extremely hot voice, deep, smoky , sexy voice. damn.

uh, Allison wake up from your trance you dont do that. you dont fangirl about random guy from theatre in your head alone.

I have to tell Freddy!

"Hi..Uhh I'm Aaron Young" Oh my god my overies just exploded his voice is so deep. Dont mistake me with those girls that make a whole scene or a big deal about guys. I do that unless it is a very hot, good-looking figure I am looking at.

"I'm in 12th grade, My parents wanted me to do theatre to improve skills, and I do not have a favorite play however my favorite movie is movie 43." Aaron finished.

"Good to hear, can you tell us about movie 43 Aaron?" Polsiri's voice woke me up from my fangirling trance.

"How about you watch it for yourself" Aaron answered. "Its hard to explain."

"Alright Next" He pointed at a girl. She looked so fake, Light blond hair, big chest, loads of make-up and she was shewing gum like a cow.

"please throw out your gum" Polsiri said. She did and came back to the line.

"I'm Rebecca, dont call me becca Just Rebecca. I'm in 11th grade, and i signed up for theatre because i have skills in theatre they always say im a great actress especially guys and my favorite movie is mean girls." Rebecca finished she had a high pitched voice. Very annoying.

Everyone finished talking about their very interesting life... Sarcastic.

"today we are going to do the 'trust exercise' pair up with someone for this exercise."

Everyone was running around like a bunch of sheep looking for their partners. Rebecca went over and literally stuck to Aaron. I knew she would hit on him she looks like those kinds of people.

I ended up with a Japeneese guy. He looked at me with a big smile.

"So you will have to trust your partner and fall so that they catch you." The teacher yelled.

Everyone settled in the right position for this exercise. I thought for a mili-second, what if I had been Aarons partner.

Allison control your hormones.

I fell into the arms of the Japeneese guy. I saw Aaron fall into Rebeccas arm. I barely knew the guy, yet I felt a bit guilty for feeling a tiny bit jealous.

Allison get over yourself.

It was the Japeneese guy's turn to fall into my arms. I stared as Rebecca fell into Aaron's arm.

"You beetch, Aaah Mister she let me down, she did not catch me."

It took me a few seconds to realize I had let my partner crash onto the floor. Oh my god I was so caught up with Rebecca and Aaron that I had let my fellow Japeneese mate fall. I felt guilty but for some reason it was funny.

The Japenneese guy started cussing and yelling some words in some foreign language I didnt understand.Im sure he was insulting me.

"Allison you are in trouble" Polsiri shouted. "You do not ever on any circumstances let anyone down." he pointed at me with his index finger shaking and his red face like a tomato. "You will stay here for additional hours on wednessday!" he helped the guy get up and I appologized.

Way to go Allison in trouble since day one.

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