1. Coming together again

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**  FOUR YEARS LATER ** ( This may not be exactly accurate but I'll list the gangs ages. Darry-24, Soda-22, Steve-21, Hannah-22, Two-23, Dally-23, Pony-18, Johnny-19 )

"Sophia, what did mom tell you, it's not nice to hit your brother like that." I said picking her up and bringing her to the kitchen where Dally was. "Dally, can you please watch her while I make supper"

"Was little Soph being a bad girl again today?" Pony said looking at Sophia as I passed her to Dally.

"Yes she was. Dally we have to do something about her. She's soon turning four and she's already to much like you" I sighed as I put a chicken in the oven.

"What's wrong with her being like me?" Dally asked. I turned around and raised my eyebrows. He snickered, earning a laugh from Pony.

It's been almost four years since Dal and I got married. About a year after we got married, we found our own house that was only a few down from Darry's. It was a newer home, so it was a little bigger than Darry's, it had a separate living room and kitchen, with only two bedrooms and one bathroom. It was a perfect home for us.

"What time are the guys coming over?" I asked Pony as I began to peel some potatoes.

"Darry and Soda are getting off six, so around then I guess. Johnny, Steve and Two-bit I'm not sure of." Pony replied.

'Okay" I sighed as I rushed around the kitchen trying to get things ready.

About a half hour later the rest of the guys came.

"Hey guys" I smiled when they walked in the door.

"Hey Han" Soda said kissing my cheek. They all piled up in the kitchen. I'm glad we have a big one because that's usually where everyone wants to hang out.

"Dal, can you take the kids in the bathroom and wash their hands please" I asked as I took the chicken out of the oven.

Dal picked both of the kids up and brought them to the bathroom. Dally was really good with the kids and it was adorable to watch him with them. There has been a huge change in Dally's behavior, he hasn't been to jail since before the babies were born, he hardly smokes anymore, usually only when he goes to Bucks, never around the house. He still has a scatter fight, but I guess he can't completely change.

"Han do you mind of Lola drops by tonight?" Two-bit asked.

"Yeah, Two, me and her are friends, you don't have to ask every time." I laughed.

I'm very surprised that Lola and Two-bit lasted this long, but they both really seem in love. And that's the same with Pony and Kaitlyn, they are attached to each other all the time. Soda still hasn't found the better version of Sandy yet. Steve has found someone but he haven't introduce her to us yet, its only new. Darry had just gotten married to a woman named Jennifer, she's living with the boys because I don't think Darry wants to leave the house to Soda and Pony yet. Johnny is still single and afraid of the world, but he's starting to get better.

"Okay. Dally put them between us." I said as Dally was putting the kids on chairs.

We finally all sat down and started to eat. Having suppers at someone's house was something we recently started, but it usually ended up at either mine or Darry's place.

"So Pony, are you excited about your graduation next week?" I asked.

"Yeah I guess" He shrugged.

"At least you got to graduate." I said.

"Yeah, and you need to get a good job, you don't want to be stuck at the DX with me and Hannah" Soda said.

It was sad to think that I only worked at a gas station, but there isn't many jobs around town, the only good ones are the ones I'm not qualified for. Dally on the other hand I think refuses to get a job. I've been asking him constantly to go find some work, but nope.

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