Chapter 3

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    Tyler and Josh were siting together, underneath an old, abandoned bridge. Their hands linked together and their foreheads in contact. It's been a month since Tyler found the suicide notes, in his best friends room. The temperature dropping everyday, along with the leafs, as the season began to change to autumn.

   The two boys had grown closer and closer, since they first hung out. They were inseparable. They hung out everyday, at the same worn down bridge, after school. It's become their favourite place. One of the few places Tyler knew exactly how to get to.

   This bridge was where Josh helped Tyler with his school work. This bridge was where they'd talk, where they'd laugh and where they'd cry. This bridge was everything.

    Although it was a little broken, they could still go underneath it and feel safe. It's not like it had collapsed or anything, it's still stable, but it's not perfect. At all. The bridge was old and parts were cracked and others completely torn off, but they still loved it.

   Josh along with Mrs. Quinn were doing their best to help Tyler with school, but lately his memory has been getting worse. The other day he even forgot his own middle name, Robert.

      The way Tyler's brain used to work was: he would be able to remember memories from his childhood, but when it came to things that just happened or something someone just told him, he'd forget it. He would be able to remember some important things like people's names, but he'd have to repeat it over and over again, until he knew it off by heart. It took him a long time to get to know someone.

     Lately though Tyler has been forgetting almost everything. He's been forgetting a lot of his older memories, from when he was a kid. He couldn't remember things for school, even when Josh or Mrs. Quinn helped him. It hasn't been a very good month and no one knew why this was happening.
      The way Tyler's brain used to work was: he would be able to remember memories from his childhood, but when it came to things that just happened or something someone just told him, he'd forget it. He would be able to remember some important things like people's names, but he'd have to repeat it over and over again, until he knew it off by heart. It took him a long time to get to know someone.

     Lately though Tyler has been forgetting almost everything. He's been forgetting a lot of his older memories, from when he was a kid. He couldn't remember things for school, even when Josh or Mrs. Quinn helped him. It hasn't been a very good month and no one knew why this was happening.


"Are you excited about tomorrow?!" Kelly asked, as she drove Tyler to school.

"What's tomorrow?"

"Oh gosh Tyler. First you forget your own middle name and now you forget your sister's birthday! What's been up with you recently honey? You haven't been able to remember anything," she replied, with a feared expression.

"I don't know, momma! I wish I did, I don't know what's wrong with me!" He said frustrated in himself.

"I'm sorry sweetie. Do you want me to book an appointment with Dr. Jean?"

      Dr. Jean was Tyler's Doctor. Tyler used to go to a mental hospital, back when he was a kid. That was when his memory was the worst it could get. Well they thought it couldn't get any worse, but I guess they were wrong.

"From what I remember I was terrified of her."

"Hmm I can't blame you, she did seem a little sketchy. How about we go see your therapist instead?"

"Dr. Cain? He never really helped much. I think it'd be better if I saw Dr. Jean. Although she was creepy, she did help."

"Okay, I'll call her while you're at school."
"Thank you"

    On her way to pick Tyler up from school, Kelly dialled Dr. Jean's office number and booked an urgent appointment.

      Once she'd arrived at Tyler's school she saw him and Josh walking together hand in hand. Kelly smiled at the two and called out,

"Tyler! You're seeing Dr. Jean in a half hour, I've got to drive you there right now."

     Tyler looked at Josh, fear painted in the iris's of each his eyes. Josh nodded and pulled him in for a quick and sincere hug, then walked him to his mother.

"Hi Mrs. Joseph,"

"Hey Josh. C'mon Tyler, time to go."

     Tyler forced a smile and climbed into the seat next to her. He waved to Josh as they began to drive away, Josh flashed a contradicting smile in return. Everyone had a smile on their faces, but they all knew that Tyler wasn't about to hear great news, from his doctor.


   They'd arrived at Dr. Jean's office right on time.

"Mr. Joseph?" the secretary called,

"That's me," tyler said and began walking towards a door, that had a sign with his doctors name, printed onto it. He and Kelly both walked in and waited only a minute or two for Dr. Jean to arrive.

    The appointment consisted of her asking a lot of questions, a basic check up and a few tasks to see where Tyler's head was at, how bad his memory really was. Now it was time to hear what was going on with him and wether or not it could be fixed.

"So Tyler, I'm sorry to have to tell you, but your memory clearly has not been getting better and unfortunately it will continue to worsen. All we can really do is hope and Kelly I suggest you and the rest of the family do your best to try doing things to trigger his memories. Tyler, do you have any close friends?"


"Once you've told Josh about this, maybe he could as well, contribute to doing things that could help the situation. By triggering your memory it may bring back previous memories and that could expand your brain capacity. The way you could do this is by maybe showing a few old photos and explaining recent or past events that occurred. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help."

     They both thanked her and walked back to the car. Tyler hopped in the passenger side, in tears.

"I need to tell Josh, can you drive me to his house?"

"of course sweetie," Kelly was trying her best not to cry as well, "you're going to be okay, I swear. I'll do everything I can!"

     She held her son's hand as she drove him to his best friend's house. The drive was silent, both were too terrified to speak about it and too stubborn to think of something else to talk about.

     They'd arrived at Josh's house, within a half hour. Tyler jumped out the car and ran to the front door, trying his best to keep the sobs inside. Kelly drove away once she saw Tyler made it safely inside Josh's house.

"I need to tell you something, we need to go to the bridge."

"Okay," the red haired boy obliged.

     Soon they'd made it to their favourite place and Tyler basically collapsed. Josh looked at him with concern.

"What happened?" he sat next to Tyler, underneath the bridge and grabbed hold of his hands.

"They can't do anything about it, Josh I'm just going to keep forgetting everything!" Tyler cried, into Josh's clothed shoulder.

"Please don't forget about me. All I'd have is my dark thoughts. I'm no good without you, please Tyler." Josh knew he was being selfish, but he didn't care. He loved Tyler.

"I don't want to Josh, I have no control over it. I don't want to forget you!" Tyler let out every single tear he had left in him. Josh bit his lip trying to stop himself from crying, but tears still managed to stream down his cheeks. Josh slowly tangled his fingers in Tyler's thin hair, pulled him in and touched his lips to Tyler's. He was unresponsive at first, as he was in shock, but he soon shut his eyes and returned the kiss. Time stopped and nothing mattered anymore. Nothing but the two of them. It felt like everything was right and everything was perfect.

    Once they pulled away they both smiled and then Tyler grabbed the back of Josh's neck and kissed him again, he could feel Josh smile against his beautiful lips. They were genuinely happy and content. Bliss. Perfection.

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