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Josh ♡☻: hey Tyler, I won't be at school today or tomorrow, I'm feeling sick I'm sorry :/

Tyler ♡: that's okay, i hope you feel better. I'll miss you :( <3

Josh ♡☻: gunna miss you too <3

    Tyler was terrified to go to school without Josh around. He kept thinking of all the worst scenarios, that could happen while he was gone. He tried to get his mom to let him stay home, but she wouldn't budge. Now they were driving to school, horror filled in Tyler's head, yet a smile plastered on his face.


     Mrs. Quinn was stuck to Tyler's side all day, so he wouldn't feel as afraid, while Josh was gone. Although during lunch she couldn't stay with him as she had a meeting, so Tyler was left alone. He walked into the cafeteria and felt like everyone was staring at him.

      Tyler sat at a table all the way in the back corner with his head down, trying to avoid looking at anyone. He didn't want to be bothered, but of course he was. One of the well known jocks, named 'Pete Wentz' walked to his table.

"Hey shortie, where's your boyfriend at?" he mocked. Tyler kept his head down and ignored the comment.

"Hey come on, I'm not going to hurt you," Tyler looked up, unaware that he had let a few tears slip through, until Pete pointed them out, "oh look at you, I barely said a thing and you're crying!"

     Now groups of students started to crowd around them, as if it was some kind of sick entertainment show.

"Leave me alone," Tyler whispered,

"I'm sorry? What was that?"

"Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Leave me alone."

"Hey, hey buddy. How about you quit repeating simple phrases and learn how to deal with shit the right way," pete said, then swung a punch across Tyler's left cheek, rough enough to leave a bleeding, fresh cut. He felt dizzy and suddenly fell straight to the glossy and hard floor, hitting his head roughly.

"Stop this! Right now! Pete wentz get down to the office!" Tyler heard, Mrs. Quinn insist, she was basically Tyler's guardian angel.

    Pete ran off and the rest of the kids went back to eating their lunches. Mrs. Quinn picked Tyler up and asked,

"Can you hear me, Tyler?"

"Yeah, but who are you?" he wondered.

"Oh gosh, I'm bringing you to the nurse."
Tyler flashed her a confused look, before she ran to the nurse' room with him in her arms.

"Tyler do you remember where you are?"
The school nurse was asking Tyler a bunch of questions, to see how much the fall had effected him.

"Yes. I'm at school, my momma drove me here this morning."

"Do you remember what happened in the last ten minutes?"

"All I remember is falling down and everything went black. When I woke up my jaw hurt so I'm assuming someone punched me."

"Ask him if he remembers Josh," Mrs. Quinn suggested, in a quiet whisper, "he forgot who I was, let's see if he remembers his best friend."

"Do you happen to know a Josh?"

"No. Who's that?" Tyler asked confused. The nurse and Mrs. Quinn both exchanged worried looks, then Kelly walked in. The three women walked out of the room, to talk about what had just went on.

"He couldn't have forgotten Josh!" Tyler heard his mother whisper rather loudly from behind the closed door.

     The three walked back in and Kelly asked to use Tyler's phone, she was going to text Josh and tell him about what happened.

Tyler: hi Josh

Josh♡☻: hi Tyler! How was school?

Kelly: this is actually Mrs. Joseph I'm texting you from Tyler's phone

Josh♡☻: oh.. How come? What happened, where's Tyler?

Kelly: Tyler was left alone during lunch when Mrs. Quinn had to attend an important meeting, Pete wentz punched Tyler and he fell to the ground and hit his head. When he woke up he forgot what happened, along with who Mrs. Quinn was and who you were, I'm so sorry. We could bring him to your house and try to get him to remember you?

Josh♡☻: oh god please get here as soon as you can

Kelly: of course.

     Kelly pulled Tyler out to her car and told him where they'd be going.

"Who's Josh?!"

"You'll know soon, I promise."

      Right when Tyler sat down in the car he pulled out his phone, to examine the mark Pete made on his pale, skin.

"I hate this," he said pointing to the blood covered, open cut,


"I wish the cut meant something to me. Well I wish it meant something to me, again. It's going to turn into a scar and it's going to be here for a long time, but I'm never going to remember what it was from."

"Oh. I'm sorry," Kelly hadn't known what else she could say, so instead she just continued driving, mindlessly, until they made it to Josh's house. Tyler glared out the window at all the orange and red leafed trees until the car stopped, at an unfamiliar house.

"This is Josh's house, let's go," Kelly said as she stepped out of the car.

    They both walked to the front door and before they could even knock a puffy eyed, messy haired and clearly sleep deprived Josh, opened the door with hopeful eyes.

"Tyler," he whispered and pulled him in for a hug. Tyler didn't hug back like he'd hoped for, instead he screamed,

"Get off of me! Momma get him off!!"

      Josh pulled away with a hurt expression, then he remembered..

"Oh. Sorry, I thought once you saw me you would remember."

"Remember what? What's he talking about momma?" Tyler asked out of pure curiosity.

"This is Josh, you and him were best friends, maybe even more than that. Do you remember?"

"No, I, um, I- I'm sorry, I don't," Tyler replied in a shaken tone. He moved his hands up and down his forearms, trying to calm himself down and warm himself up at once.

"Oh," Josh whispered, then ran inside and slammed the door.

"Can we go home now?" Tyler asked his mother, impatiently.

"Uh yeah, sure.." Kelly replied, seeming a little distant at the moment.

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