Chapter Four: I'll Teach You A Lesson

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Chapter Four: I'll Teach You A Lesson

...One Year Ago: Two Days Before Their First Lesson Plan...

"Draco, if you keep turning the banners in the classroom green I will hex you into next week!" The witch spat out, clearly frustrated as she flicked her wand to turn them back to their original color of white. He couldn't help but laugh while he was reading over their first lesson plan of the year. He thought it was glorious at how distraught she seemed over some silly banners, he just did it to get on her nerves, which seemed to prove much too easy.

"Calm down Granger, we wouldn't want get your panties in a twist." He wriggled his blonde eyebrows at her, challenging her to retort. He had to admit they actually got along well, expect for the occasional heated debates, but those were just due to them being equally matched in intelligence, he actually quite enjoyed their arguments, it felt good to match someone toe to toe, he couldn't remember the last time that happened. He noticed her start towards their desk with grace that would put him to shame. He started to smirk, but then he realized she was pointing her wand directly at him.

Ok...maybe talking about her kickers was too far...

He waited for a stinging hex, or jiggly legs...something, but nothing happened. She just smiled and lowered her wand. He let out a sigh of relief, thinking she was so strange.

"My panties are just fine thank you very much." If he wasn't mistaken, she almost sounded like she was flirting with him.

"I'm sure they are." He saw the slow blush creep over her creamy colored cheeks.
No, she probably was embarrassed, she couldn't possibly be flirting.

He watched her intently, as she walked around to sit beside him at the desk. Just because she wasn't ever going to be attracted to him, like he started to be with her, didn't mean he couldn't enjoy her company or her good looks for that matter.

"I think Monday's class will be absolutely brilliant." She said as she gathered the remaining paperwork in front of her.

He agreed with a nod, they had spent everyday together working on their first lesson plan, they decided it would serve well to take a more hands on experience, so they both decided that would be how they taught the majority of the time. Hermione did like to remind him that there would still be plenty of tests to grade.

"I was thinking that we can teach them how to produce a patronus as well, possibly if they all do well after their first exams? She turned to him, forming the last part as a question. He instantly felt nervous at her suggestion, and without even realizing it he touched his left arm where he bore his hideous mark. He knew it should be part of their teachings, and that Hermione could take over that part of the lesson, but it still pierced his heart with sadness just the same. He knew she probably noticed his uncomfortableness and how he was absently touching his forearm, but he couldn't help but feel like a complete failure.

"Draco..." She turned so she was completely facing him in her chair, and placed her hands on his, it startled him, but he didn't dare move, the warmth her hands alone caused him to feel was enough for him to remain perfectly still.

"I can teach you how to produce one if you want me to." He was taken aback at how kind her words came, she didn't sound cruel, or even like she was trying to show that she could so something that he could not.

Truthfully, he did want to learn but what if he actually couldn't do it? He had always heard the rumors, he had the dark mark, and that meant he couldn't. Even if he had changed and actually never wanted the fucking thing in the first place.

Light strokes from Hermione's thumb pulled him out of his dismal thoughts, he realized he liked that she was touching him.

"What if I can't?" He was surprised at how easy it was to admit his fear to the witch.

"Well, we won't know until we try." She gave his hands a light squeeze of reassurance.

He nodded slowly, hoping it was enough of a yes for her.

"How about we start tomorrow?" He looked at her with a quizzical expression, wondering why she was being so gracious to someone like him.

"Ok." He grasped her hand a little tighter, feeling perfectly content holding hands with her.


They had worked at little while longer until they both agreed enough was enough. He had walked her to the door, which felt a little redundant, seeing as he was just across the hall. They pleasantly said good night and he slipped into his room. He was feeling excited and a bit nervous about tomorrow, and he figured taking a shower would calm his nerves. He started stripping himself of his clothing and when he reached the bathroom he was just wearing his trousers and boxers. He unbuckled and tore the zipper down making it so his pants fell down to his ankles. When he saw his underwear he was more than shocked, the blasted things were red and gold! He looked in the mirror just to make sure he was seeing correctly and turned around to view his backside, if it wasn't enough that his boxers were now sodding Gryffindor colors they also had a huge lion placed squarely on his arse!

"GRANGER!" He yelled. He was going to kill her, definitely hex her. He now realized that's what she did when she pointed her wand at him earlier. The little witch! Clever, yes. But purely evil. Without thinking he rushed out of his bathroom and across the hall to bang on the door of the damn women who changed his underwear.

"Open up Granger, I know you're in there." He could hear her laughing from behind the door. Well la de fucking da to her for actually having a sense of humor. She opened the door and didn't even try to contain the amusement in her face.

"Can I... *laugh*... help you... *laugh*...Draco?" Almost all his irritation vanished when he saw her eyes light up with laughter. Then he realized he was also standing in the hallway almost naked. Fine. She wanted to laugh at his behest. Two could play that game. He grabbed her by the arm and yanked her to him so his face was dangerously close to hers.

"I will get you back you know. Now change these atrocious looking boxers back into green." He leaned in even closer as he spoke to her, making sure her body was flush with his. He was hoping to embarrass her by their shared proximity, but she seemed to shiver at their joined contact.

She placed her small hands on his chest but didn't move away as she spoke.

"Why do you want to change them? I think you look very good in there's issue of that I can't change them back."

She stepped away from him then. There was no doubt now, she definitely was flirting with him. He had to hold back his smile at his little revelation. He noticed she was staring at him closely.

"Can't or won't?" He raised his eyebrow at her.

"Can't. The spell lasts twenty four hours, so they will change back then." She shrugged, acting as if she didn't just spell his boxers as a joke.

"You're full of surprises Granger." He shook his head letting a small chuckle pass his lips.

"Call me Hermione." She said earnestly, catching his attention. He wondered why she wanted him to call her by her first name.

"Goodnight Draco." She leaned in and kissed his cheek, he knew it was a simple and friendly gesture, but the feel of her lips against his skin felt amazing. He watched her walk back into her room and slowly shut the door.

Draco touched his long fingers to the spot where her lips just had been.


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