Chapter Three: Memories

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Chapter Three: Memories

...Present Time - Five days after accident...

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to give her their first meeting of when they both started on as professors, he thought as he paced the length of his room, feeling his nerves then in his stomach. It had been five, painfully long days since he placed the vial in her small hand while she was still recovering in the Hospital wing. She was sleeping and he had kissed her on the forehead and wished to Merlin she would just remember, but being who he was he couldn't leave it to chance, so he figured it was a good plan to give her his memories. At least at the time he did, now he possibly figured she didn't care any longer to want to get close to him. Again. He wasn't a masochist, he didn't know if he could take the pain of working with her while he was pathetically in love. But he also wasn't one to give up what he wanted, even if he ended up looking a fool.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a swift knock on the door, lost as if the person was unsure if it was really what they wanted to do. His heart leapt to his throat thinking it might be his witch, but smashed the feeling almost instantly, he would NOT give his hopes up. As he quickly went to answer it, maybe a little too quickly...he opened the door and saw a curly haired witch retreating to across the hall.

"Hermione?" He saw her freeze at her door, why would she be running away? He stood there, waiting for her to respond or quite possibly take off running, he could see the struggle she was having. She sucked in a breath and squared her shoulders, probably preparing to turn to face him. As she looked at him he could tell that she was confused, and he wondered why.

"You never came back." It was a simple statement, but the look she gave him about broke his heart, he fought with himself everyday weather or not he should go see her, and he did, but it was never when she was awake. Now he felt like he should of made himself known.

"I-" He was interrupted by her before he could even get a complete word out.

"Why did you give me this?" She said, as she held the vial up to him in her fingers. Before he could answer her, she stepped forward and took another steadying breath, he stopped his answer, knowing she had more to say.

"I I am missing something; I remember you, well, I remember our school days together, but nothing about you after that. Now I learn we have been working together for a year and no one will tell me how we got along, but by your memory it looks like we might of been friends?" Her voice was steady but hesitance danced over her features, like she didn't quite believe that they were friends, or just friends for that matter.

"Why were you leaving after you knocked on my door? Where is that Gryffindor courage I hear so much about?" He gave his best smirk knowing he was not answering her question, and it really was because he didn't want to lie to her and also he didn't want to frighten her as well. She glared at him, much like he thought she would. Typical Gryffindor, he had to stop from rolling his eyes and laughing.

"I just want answers Malfoy." She ground out as she stepped closer motioning to give the container of his memory back to him, he moved forward and caught her hand before it was all the way retracted out.

"Keep it." Draco all but whispered to her, he could see the effect he was having on her breathing due to their closeness and his stomach did a small flip of joy over it. He truly was turning soft.

He released her hand and stepped back, while he dug his hand into his robes and pulled out another silver vial and handed it to her. He figured this is the best way he could show her, and that way she would have to decide if she wanted to have him back in her life if she never ended up remembering everything about their time together.

"I won't tell you how we 'got along' as you put it, for reasons that are my own, but I can show you." It was another singular memory, he didn't want to overwhelm her and it also gave him an excuse to see her again. It was selfish, sure, but that was just a part of who he was. She just simply nodded and placed the vial in her pocket. He went to retire to his bed chambers when he felt her delicate hand on his bicep. Her touch made his arm tingle and his insides go to mush.

"Walk me to dinner?" He couldn't help but break out into a smile at her request.

"I'd love to."

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