Chapter Eight: I Know Your Face

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...Present Day...

It was almost time to meet Hermione at the front of the castle, and every nerve reacted to that bit of knowledge. Draco didn't do well with things like uncertainty, which he was feeling a lot of at the moment. He patted his pants pocket just to make sure he had both the small boxes. He wanted to give her both, but that just depended on how the night went, which meant hoping against hope that she remembered. He had given her pretty detailed and personal memories about them, and he was hoping it would trigger something. Just as soon as the thought passed through his mind, the castle doors opened suddenly to reveal a bushy haired witch sprinting towards him. Before he could react to her sudden eagerness; Hermione slammed into him, latching her arms around him like she was holding on for dear life as her lips found his. He was startled to say the least but his whole body reacted to her touch and the soft caress of her lips. Sparks of desire fired off inside of him as he drug her closer to him. She tore her lips away to look at his hooded expression.

"I know your face." She let out in a breath.

His heart leapt into his throat, knowing exactly what that meant.

"Took you long enough." He grinned at her, as he went to place kiss after kiss on every open surface of skin he could find. She just sighed into his touch instead of responding to him like she normally would.

He couldn't help the face splitting grin that seem to now permanently reside on his face. He pulled away from her and noticed she was wearing a similar smile.

"I take it you viewed all the memories then?" He said as he brushed the hair that had fallen onto her face.

"No, actually just up until I saw what your patronus was." He became confused, but didn't respond knowing she still had more to say. "

I knew what it meant, and I still didn't remember any of our times together, but I just had to find you."

He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow at her, knowing she understood his unspoken question.

"When I kissed you just now is when everything came flooding back to me." She said sheepishly.

For some reason knowing that she still wanted him even without her memories made him fall even harder for the beautiful witch that was standing in front of him.

"Though I am going to kill Ronald." She said matter of factly. Which just made him smile, knowing he would stop her. Hell, he might even help.

"I take it you remember how you came to fall off the stairs then?" She just nodded, he saw the hurt that filled her face. He knew the Weasel didn't necessarily mean to make her fall, but he still let his temper get the better of him, and all because Hermione told him that her and Draco were an item. Just thinking about it made him want to hex the git into oblivion.

"Let's not think about the idiot Weasley, we do have a dinner to get to."

She looked at him with surprise, he figured she thought he would want to do other things, and while he would be the first to admit that was definitely on his agenda he just had a much better evening planned at the moment.

"We are still going on a date? I thought the whole point of this was to get my memory back." She asked as she crossed her arms.

"You wound me." He mocked as he placed his hand over his chest, resulting in a delightful giggle from his witch.

"While I did want you to get your memory back, I also had plans tonight. Plans that I fully intend to keep." He winked at her as he held out his arm so they could side apparate.

She gladly accepted with a smile on her face, and with that they were off with a loud POP.


"Draco..." She said with uncertainty in her voice. "This isn't a restaurant." She turned to look at him with a puzzled expression.

"Well spotted." He teased. "I said I was taking you to dinner..." He snapped his fingers together and a small table fully set with food appeared. "I figured this view was much better than a stuffy restaurant."

They were on top of a large cliff overlooking Paris. He picked this spot because it felt as if you could reach up and touch the stars, since it seemed so close to the open sky. It reminded him of the first time they shared a kiss.

"It's a stunning view Draco." She softly smiled as she took in her surroundings.

"Yes it is." He stared lovingly at Hermione. She didn't notice the double meaning in his voice.

"Before we sit down I have something for you." He said as he reached into his pocket, wondering what her reaction was going to be.

"This was if you didn't remember me." He placed the small velvet box in her small hand. He saw her beautiful smile as she opened it slowly, revealing a sizable emerald jewel that hung from a delicate gold chain.

"It holds every single memory I have of you, you just have to touch it with your wand and say 'Aparecium' to see them." Her smile grew wider as she held the necklace up to view it further.

"It's beautiful and so thoughtful, thank you." She placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"It's meant to remind you that even if you were to never recover your memories, I would still be there."

He saw the small tear fall off her lashes and trickle down her cheek. He bent down; kissing it away.

"Can you put it on me?" He nodded, as she handed him the jewel. She turned around and pulled her hair away from her neck. It amazed him that such a simple gesture made his mouth go dry.

He placed a light kiss on the hollow of her neck, letting her know he was done.

"I have one more surprise for you." He whispered into her ear. "Stay there love."

He backed away from Hermione, as she stood with her back to him. He retrieved the other box and got into place so he could give it to her properly.

"You can turn around now Hermione." He was beyond nervous, but didn't dare let it seep into his words.

She slowly turned around, looking lost for a moment until she noticed that Draco was on one knee, holding out a small box that contained a very old looking ring, the sides were intricately engraved with black and silver, and at the top sat a large black oval diamond that was held in place by four beautiful claw clasps.

"I wanted to do this well over a month ago, but then you had your accident and couldn't remember us." He took in a cleansing breath before he continued. "I love you Hermione. I know I'm not good at expressing how I feel, and that probably will never change but I do know that I will need you forever; if you'll have me. No matter what happens, I will always be there. Will you do me the honor of becoming mine forever?"

He felt the wind sweep through him as his stomach turned in anticipation, noting that tears were now freely spilling over Hermione's face. He thought his heart would beat clean out of his chest, waiting for her to respond to what was happening.

"Yes." She lightly breathed out. "I'm already yours." She said smiling, as he placed the ring on her finger and enveloping her into his arms.

She nuzzled into his neck as she spoke. "I love you too."

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