Chapter Seven: Desires

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Day 4:

Hermione had literally drug him by his arm out to the opening that surround the Black Lake, and while he did agree to her little training sessions for the last four days, he DID not agree to have it be in the middle of the sodding night this go around, while he had not actually tried to cast a patronus yet, quoting Hermione 'you need to know all the aspects of it first.' (Whatever that meant.) but apparently tonight was the night Hermione claimed. Why did it have to be dark for their experiment? He couldn't say. He now just chalked it up to that the witch just had to have her way. Though, even he had to admit it really was a beautiful night. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, allowing every star to shine bright above them. He focused his attention back on the witch, and his breath caught in his throat seeing how the moonlight reflected off the lake and cast rays over Hermione, making his head spin. She truly was beautiful, and the way her lips looked when she spoke...

He needed to get a grip, she was speaking and he was too busy picturing her mouth on his.

"Think of your happiest memory, something that fills you with absolute joy, and let the flux of magic pass through you and out to your wand." He had heard her say this time and time again. She made it sound like it was a piece of cake, and for her; it probably was. She probably had an abundant amount of happy memories. The sudden thought made his heart hurt. His thoughts were racing with self doubt. What did he have? A father who failed him and a mother who refused to leave his worthless ass. He never really had many close friends, if any. The only bright spot he seemed to have in his life, was the witch that was currently standing beside him.

How utterly pathetic was that? A woman who he had tormented all through school and now he seemed to have too deep of feelings, that he was sure she would never return. Yet seeing and being with her was the only happiness he seemed to have.

"You know what, forget it." He huffed, letting out an irritated sigh as he placed his wand back into his sleeve of his robes.


"I said forget it Granger!" He barked, knowing what she was going to say and frankly he didn't want to hear how much he 'needed' to try or that he shouldn't 'give up.' He looked into her honey brown eyes and expected to see hurt, or anger, but instead there was something different...Determination.

It made his chest tight looking at her fierce expression. Damnit! Why did she have to affect him like this?

"No." Her voice was eerily calm. She was a stubborn little thing, he had to give her that.

"No?" He echoed her.

"Are you deaf or just daft? No, I will not forget it, nor will you. And it's Hermione! Now let's go." Confusing, spirited, and stubborn. So she was giving up on him. He couldn't much blame her.

"So you are forgetting this stupid endeavour then?" He said, hiding the disappointment in his voice as she turned to walk away from him.


No? The blasted women was infuriating.

"Is that the only word you know?" He said following right behind her, he wasn't sure why he was, but he seemed like he couldn't help it. He probably would follow her into the blasted lake and have tea with the giant squid if that's where she wanted to go.

Again pathetic

She turned to face him, making him stop abruptly in front of her. She was within his reach, close enough to touch, his fingers twitched with desire. He wondered if her skin would be as soft to his touch as it looked. He saw her pink lips curve into a feisty smile.

"No." She chuckled to herself, at least someone thought she was funny. He let out a growl getting tired of her antics. She went to turn again, but before she could he grabbed her by her arm and pulled her into his chest so he was very much invading her space.

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