Chapter Five: Remember Me

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Chapter Five: Remember Me

...Present Day...

Draco hadn't heard the end of it with his whole underwear debacle from Hermione, he was now regretting giving her the whole memory, even if he admitted the sound of her laughter enticed a delicious desire in his stomach. Or that seeing her smile because of something he did or said was probably the most wonderous feeling. Gods, did he miss her, the way she felt, the way the used to spend countless nights just talking or ravishing her. He wanted her desperately to remember everything they had once been and in the beginning he didn't know if he could stick around if she didn't, but now, he wasn't sure, he didn't know if he could stand being away from her, regardless of if she gained her past back or not. He was exuberant about how well they still seemed to get along. At least she had no problem teasing him and in return he had no bones about making her temper flare. Though they seemed to have this precise and cautious dance with one another, which he detested. He wanted to give her space, and always was careful of what he said, trying not to give too much away at once, but at the same time it seemed whenever they were in close quarters all he could think about was pushing her up against a wall and snogging her senseless. She also seemed to be extra studious around him, he caught her lingering gaze more than once and she had always turned away like she had been caught in some heinous act. It drove him bloody mad. He was going to have to rectify their careful waltz they constructed, because dammit it all to hell if he were solely counting on his memories to bring her back to him.

It had been almost a week since she had seen the memory and while he was a bit curious about her thoughts, other than the sodding boxer bit, he didn't want to ask her, for fear of pushing her to remember. Well, not yet anyways.

Their class had been delayed for two weeks in order to let Hermione recover, and he refused to teach it without her, so tomorrow would be their first day back. He was a excited about getting back into teaching, but mostly it would mean time with the lovely know it all he thought as he made his way to his chambers after leaving the Great Hall.

"Draco!" The sound of a voice calling his name caused longing to spread over him as he heard an all too familiar voice call from behind. He turned to see a beautiful bushy haired witch rush to stand in front of him.

"I'm glad I caught you before you retired for the night." She let out in a rush as she tried to steady her breath.

"Everything ok?"

"Yes, fine. I just needed to ask you something." This caught his interest. He wondered what could be so important that she needed to hurry to find him. He gauged her reaction and determined it wasn't something bad, she looked nervous, but not worried or scared. It had been almost a month since she had lost her memory, it was time he started using his Malfoy charm, he really wasn't one for waiting. He figured it was now or never to determine if she wanted anything more from him.

"Why don't you come into my room and have a drink then?" He knew it was a bold move, but then again, he wasn't a Slytherin for his hair.

"Ok." She gave him a small smile which he returned before turning and taking a few more long strides to his room.

He opened the door and gestured for her to step inside. As she stepped by he smelled her all to inviting scent of vanilla and lavender, it ensnared his senses, and he wanted so badly to reach out and touch her silky hair, or bury his face into her neck. Instead he watched the alluring witch closely as she took in his room. She ran her eyes up and down every wall it seemed taking in every detail. He wasn't surprised when he saw the blush on her cheeks when she spotted the four poster bed tucked in the corner. She quickly turned her attention away and focused on his rather impressive library that occupied most his wall space.

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