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Cyan entered the cafe first and immediately struck up a conversation with one of the baristas in rapid Spanish.

The barista was young with curly dark hair, perfect olive toned skin and a bright, perfectly straight smile to compete with his high, defined cheekbones and perfect jawline.

Mark hated him instantly.

"Mark," Cyan said politely, drawing her eyes away from the model, "This is Diego Valentino Lobo. Diego, this is Mark Hoffman of the LAPD."

"It is nice to meet you, Detective." Diego responded smoothly in a thick Spanish accent that could have melted chocolate.

"Pleasure." Mark replied harshly, trying to ignore his feelings as he threw his money down onto the counter, "I'll have a coffee with milk, please. No sugar."

"Of course." The barista said curtly, turning away from Hoffman's cold gaze, "Cyan?"

"A medium chai tea latte, please. Thank you." Cyan replied, smiling at Mark as she picked up the receipt and handed him his money, "It's on me, Detective. Remember?"

Mark tried to hide his smile as the barista stormed away, obviously upset by her lack of interest.

"I think you offended him." Mark told her quietly as Diego stormed past with a brooding expression, glaring at Mark.

"He was always such a moody boy. We have known each other for several years. My family is very large in comparison to other American families."

"Can I ask you something?" Hoffman asked quietly as they waited, "Why do you hang around with Romina if it causes you so much trouble? Would it not be easier to cut all ties?"

"She is in need of help, and she helped me through a particularly difficult time. My family..." Cyan shrugged uncomfortably, "They didn't approve of me coming to L.A, but here we are."

"Because of Jigsaw." Mark guessed, pulling his coat around himself as another patron opened the door.

"Because of Romina and her annoying tendency to get her own way." Cyan smirked, "My language skills are an asset to me. I am hoping to go to Mexico or Spain during the holidays. Have you ever visited Europe, Mark?"

"That sounds interesting." Mark said in his flat tone, "I'm afraid that the LAPD is demanding, so I haven't had a holiday in a few years."

Their drinks arrived, allowing them to sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"So, tell me about yourself. Interests. Hobbies. Aspirations." She ticked each one off with a slim finger.

I work with Jigsaw.

I'm interested in making traps.

I frequently participate in criminal behaviour.

I'm aspiring to be the legacy of John Kramer.

"I enjoy solving crimes and improving the area for other citizens. I like to go to the bar in my spare time and read books, mostly thrillers and crime novels. I'd like to be a Detective Lieutenant one day."

He knew his promotion would be within the week, though he had remained silent after his 'terrible' ordeal, rescuing the girl from Jigsaw.

And get rid of that bastard Strahm.

I'm looking forward to that bit the most.

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