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They had left Jill Tuck at the station in a cell.

It was almost too easy.

He worked his way through his former colleagues on autopilot, not even sparing them a second glance as they fell at his feet.

Some tried to reason, some tried to fight him, but the cold yet reasonable Detective Hoffman they knew was gone.

Here stood Mark Hoffman, killer, psychopath and the last apprentice of John Kramer.

Jill started screaming the moment she spotted him through the glass, and had he actually cared he might have spared a moment to smile at his luck.

They'd only left one detective to guard her.

Once he took care of the other man, someone he'd worked with before but couldn't remember the name of, getting into the cell took mere seconds.

Mark took his time, watching her observe him like a prey watching the predator, waiting for the first blow.

He stood in front of her and leaned forward, and suddenly it was Cyan staring at him with watchful dark eyes.

"How do I look?" He whispered slowly as her wide eyes settled on his scar, already leaning forward towards her as she shifted...

The blade settled into his neck and the illusion was shattered.

Mark growled furiously as he dug the file out of his neck, flinging it aside roughly.

Did she think she could outrun him?

He stormed through the station and paused in the main corridor.

That door hadn't been left ajar.

Smiling, Hoffman slid into the evidence room and listened for Cyan, his heart hammering wildly as a gasp slipped out from behind a cabinet.

'There you are.'

He grabbed her roughly and dragged to her feet, staring at her in confusion.

This was Jill Tuck.

Where the hell was Cyan?

He knocked her unconscious with three choice words and set a chair up in the centre of the room.

His hand wandered over the shelves which held so many of John's traps. It froze over the top of the original Reverse Bear Trap.

'Brutality feels-'

Hoffman began to fasten the trap on the unconscious doctor, ignoring the weighty eyes of John as he whispered from the shadows.

He stepped away from his work and smiled twistedly at the figure in the chair.

Jill began to stir and struggle against the trap as the timer ticked down, offering the doctor no escape.

His heart contracted when her eyes met his; her face had been replaced by Cyan Rivera's as the trap activated.

"Game over."

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