Cyan's Interview

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"What is your name for the record?"

Cyan crossed her arms as Mark watched from behind the glass, his heart pounding.

"Cyan Rivera." She replied shortly as Dan Erickson began to circle her like a vulture.

"Do you live at apartment 15-" Erickson reeled off the address quickly, his back to Hoffman.


"Where is your place of birth?"

"Boulder, Colorado." Cyan smiled faintly at the name.

"The names of your parents?"

"José and María Rivera."

"Now, Ms Rivera, what is your connection to Special Agent Peter Strahm?"

"I first met him in a coffee shop on Main Street with Mark Hoffman." Her voice was calm, but her eyes were furious as Erickson glared. 

Erickson raised an eyebrow and leant over the desk as Hoffman clenched his fists.

"Detective Lieutenant Mark Hoffman?" He demanded sharply, "What is your connection to him?"

"Detective Hoffman is my neighbour. He offered to give me a ride to the coffee shop as I was new to the city and my roommate had gone elsewhere." Cyan replied coolly, "I've only spoken to the man a handful of times."

Erickson slapped a picture of Romina's aunt down onto the table, making Cyan jump slightly.

"Who is this?"

"Reyna Valentino; my roommate's aunt and a close family friend." Her eyes darted to Erickson as he jabbed a finger at another picture.

"And the mother of your former boyfriend, correct?"

"Yes. Diego Valentino Lobo. I get along well with Reyna and her daughter, Freya." Cyan said slowly, "We parted on good terms."

Mark narrowed his eyes on Cyan as Erickson began to dig into her history with the barista, occasionally clenching his jaw.

"When was the last time you saw Agent Strahm?" Erickson barked.

"A few weeks ago, at an interview with Mark Hoffman." Cyan lied stiffly, "I tried to avoid him after the last event."

Hoffman tensed behind the screen as Erickson drew himself up to his full height.

"I don't quite understand you, Ms Rivera."

"He grabbed my arms and threatened to arrest me if I continued to speak with Mark Hoffman." Cyan snapped, her dark eyes focused on the window.

'She knows I'm here.'

"Did he say why?"

"No, he did not. I tried to inform Detective Hoffman, but he was very busy with another case. I was going to make a report, but Strahm threatened to arrest me if I did."

"Thank you, Ms Rivera. That'll be all." Erickson waved dismissively, "Detective Hoffman may have a few questions for you."

"I'm afraid I have somewhere to be. Thank you, Detective."

She stormed out of the interview room without a word and glanced over her shoulder briefly when Hoffman called out,

"Cyan, wait, I need to talk to you."

Her eyes darted across his face once before she turned away, her pace quickening as she shoved past a stunned looking Everton.

"Cyan, wait!"

Mark pushed through the front doors and glanced around hopelessly, running a hand through his hair.

She was gone.

"You wanted to talk." A low voice murmured from behind him, "So talk. The removal van is coming in an hour."

"Removal van?" Mark croaked, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm leaving, Mark. I'm going to the other side of the city, away from Romina and away from you."

He leant back against the wall and took a shaky breath,

"Cyan, please. I know what you think about me, but I would give anything to go back to the way things were."

Cyan glanced at him coldly and shrugged.

"No one asked you to be what you are, Mark. I need to get away, to try and forget what happened."

He leant forward urgently and took her arm as she got into her car.

"Cy, damn it! You can't-I'll do anything, just don't leave me."

"I can, and I am. Goodbye, Detective." She started her engine and stared at him in silence.

"Cyan. Don't-I can't-" He released her arm and stepped away as she closed the window and drove off.

He stood there for a long time, his dark hair flat against his skull as the rain poured down.

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