The Final Straw

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Cyan led Mark out of the apartment with a smirk as he scrambled for an excuse-any excuse-to avoid an evening with her.

"Come on, Detective." She joked, "Surely even you can have fun for one night."

Hoffman raised an eyebrow as she opened the door opposite his own and frowned when she froze.

"Cyan?" He asked slowly, ignoring the eyes at his back, "Is there someone over there?"

She glanced at him once and nodded.

"Strahm." Mark growled without turning, his hand longing to strike the agent across the face.

"Hoffman. What are you doing here with a suspect?"

Cyan closed the door as Romina shouted from within the apartment, the worry in her voice evident to Hoffman. She placed a gentle hand on Mark's arm and stared at the agent, her dark eyes cool.

"Cyan is my neighbour." Hoffman replied coolly, clenching his fists, "Her friend, Romina, invited me to dinner. I was coming over to explain why I would be unable to attend, not that it has anything to do with you."

Peter Strahm laughed and eyed Cyan's hand on Mark's hand skeptically. 

"You realise that I could report this?" He asked mockingly, leaning towards the pair with a deranged smile, "I could report both of you."

"On what grounds?" Hoffman snapped back, ignoring Cyan's restraining hand, "Back off whilst you still can, and leave her out of this."

Strahm stared at Cyan uncertainly as Hoffman glared at him.

"I get it now." Strahm hissed, jabbing a finger towards Cyan, "I'll be in touch."

Mark stared at the retreating agent before rounding on Cyan, his blue eyes blazing with fury.

"You've been in contact with him." He stated emotionlessly.

"No." She lied quickly, backing away slowly as Mark began to curse under his breath, "Mark, I don't know what-"

"I SAW YOU WITH HIM!" Mark roared, ignoring the sound of doors opening along the corridor, "I SAW YOU TALKING THAT DAY!"

"Fine, once." Cyan admitted, crossing her arms defiantly, "I spoke to him once, but will you just let me explain-"

Mark shook his head.

"We're done here."

He slammed the door in her face without another word.

He laid awake for a long time that night.

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