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Mark stood across from Freya and crossed his arms for what felt like the hundredth time.

Where the hell was Cyan?

"Could you give me any more details?" He asked again, trying to ignore the dull throbbing in his head, "A person of average build entered the house. Around five foot ten wearing a mask."

"A pig mask." Freya corrected, "He was also wearing a long robe."

Jigsaw wannabe.

"Of course. Did the person say anything to you?"

"This is what happens when you don't cherish your life. Let this be a lesson. Then she-" She shuddered, fighting back tears, "We've never hurt anyone."

Mark watched in silence as she began to sob, pushing a box of tissues towards her.

"That's enough for one day."

Romina burst through the door with Cyan close behind her, shouting hysterically in rapid Spanish as she gathered her cousin in her arms.

"What is she saying?" Mark asked coldly, keeping his eyes fixed on the opposite wall as he crossed his arms.

"Are you talking to me? What did I do to deserve such an honour?" Cyan asked sarcastically.

"What is she saying?" He repeated harshly, finally turning to face Cyan.

"'I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have been there, not you.'" Cyan translated flatly, her eyes focused on the wall beside Mark, "She's devastated. Reyna was her only aunt."

"Are there any other relatives I should be aware of?"

"You've met Diego, he is her brother. There's Freya's father; Miguel, but he's not in the picture-"

"You said Freya's father, not Diego's." Mark observed, making quick notes.

"Diego is her half-brother. His father is called Valdez Lobo, hence the name Valentino-Lobo, though he goes by Valentino."

"Why did she name Romina as her relative if she has a brother?"

Cyan sighed heavily and ran a hand through her hair as Romina shot something at her in Spanish, gesturing towards Mark venomously.

"She asked if they could have a moment."

Mark shook his head slightly as Romina continue to stare at him.

"No, I need to gather as much information as I can. Officer Everton will escort you to another room for questioning." He said through Cyan.

Once the two left, Mark gestured for Cyan to take a seat.

"Valdez is not a good man, and he wants nothing to do with her. Diego has had little contact with both of them over the years." Cyan explained, rubbing her hands nervously, "I didn't even know that Romina had a male cousin until-"

"Until?" Mark prompted, feeling his agitation grow.

"Until we started dating." Cyan blushed, "It only lasted a few months, it was nothing serious. I didn't want to be caught in the middle of the family drama, so we both parted ways."

Why did he have the urge to punch Diego Valentino Lobo in the head?

"Do you think that she's capable of looking after a child? She's not in the  best position right now."

Cyan tilted her head and stared at him.

"I think that she would be best with Romina's family, to get as far away from here as possible. They live in Chicago."

Mark took their names and contact numbers and glanced at the clock.

"Thank you for your time. I'll be in touch with any further questions." He announced formally, "Officer Greene will escort you."

"Thank you, Detective." Cyan replied in an equally formal tone, "I'd be glad to be of service."

She brushed past him roughly and slammed the door behind her as Strahm pushed into the room.

"What the hell was she doing here?" He growled, pointing a finger towards the door.

"Mind your own damn business." Hoffman snarled, throwing his coat over his shoulder and reaching over the table for his recorder.

Strahm snatched it up from the desk and tossed it casually from hand to hand, his dark eyes daring Hoffman to make the first move.

"You were saying?" He mocked.

Hoffman swore harshly under his breath and held his hand out towards Strahm furiously,

"She was here in connection to another case, not that it concerns you. What the hell are you doing in here? How did you get in here?"

Strahm smirked and leant against the wall, still clutching the tape in his hand as Hoffman folded his arms impatiently.

"Apparently not everyone is aware of my dismissal. You can thank your friend Officer Greene." He threw the tape towards Hoffman and sneered as he opened the door, "I've learnt some interesting things about the Seth Baxter case; I'd just thought you'd like to know. I'll be discussing my findings with Erickson next week-"

"What do you want from me?" Mark snarled, crushing the recorder in his hand.

Strahm smiled coldly and closed the door again, leaning towards Hoffman.

"I want you to confess about your role in the Jigsaw case." 

Mark clenched his jaw as he looked at the camera in the corner of the room, its red light blinking every few seconds.

"The only connection I have to Jigsaw is the same as yours. Now get the hell out of here before I call security. You're not on the case anymore, and you'd do well to remember that."

Strahm slammed his fist against the door and pushed past Officer Greene as she walked into the room with a frown.

"You shouldn't be here, you've been removed from the case. I would suggest that you leave now before I have to remove you."

Strahm threw a final mocking glance at Hoffman before he vanished from sight.

"I'm sorry, Detective." Officer Greene muttered, "I wasn't aware that he had been taken off the case. Cyan Rivera has gone back to her apartment with the other girl. We are trying to contact another family member."

"Good. Let me know if any more details come through from Everton. I have a report to write." He responded shortly, attempting to gather his thoughts.

Greene paused by the door and looked back at him with a slight smile,

"I'm not sure if I should mention this but...I think Rivera likes you."

Hoffman looked up in surprise as Greene left the room, staring uncertainly at the file before him.

"You and I both." 

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