Chapter 2

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mark watched his little brother run around the garden with his two little friends giggling and smiling.

"Mark come play with us" the 7 year old laughed, mark just smiled and walked over the the three.

*flashback over*





mark stood and watched as spyder performed CPR on ryan, doing anything to get the teen to breath again, harris said that his pulse was weak and if the didnt get him breathing in the next 2 minutes his heart would stop!

"MARK!" a voice snapped him out his trance, he looked up to see harris looking at him was a worried and grim look on his face.

"we need to take him to the hospital, we cant save him" mark knew he was right, but how will he explain this to the doctors and mainly his mother? how will he explain that ryan was fighting off a monster in a giant robot that he can control with his mind, and that he was nearly ripped to shreds... but his brothers life is on the line!

its between keeping a secret and keeping his brother alive...

"911! whats your emergency?!"

"its my brother, he needs help"

"whats your location?"

"the junk yard..."

Survival (mech-X4/Ryan) ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now