chapter 6

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firstly i would like to start off with..... am back, but sorry for abandoning the story for so so so so so long :( i promise i will do so much better on uploading, so i am taking the story off hiatus :) 

i hope you enjoy this chapter :) 



So she broke... a heart breaking scream echoed off the hospital walls as she crumbled to the pristine white floors.


*Mark's POV*
I blink and slowly the world cleared up, doing so I looked around so see my self in the recovery position on the hospitals lobby floor! That's when I just noticed the nurse sitting in front of my checking my wrist pulse.


"Okay last question, do you remember what happened before you passed out?" She said seriously but grimly, that's when I was hit with a flash back;
*Ryan had started seizing and doctors was fearing that Ryan was going to go into cardiac arrest! in the faint distance mark could here his mothers pain scream before the world when dark.*


*marks P.O.V* 

"RYAN" I let out the choked scream as i shot from the position i was in, the sudden movement causing the nurse to jump back in fright, i let her hands steady me as i suddenly nose dive back to the floor, breathing seemed to become suddenly harder to do as i look around with wild eyes, trying to find my mother; the scream that ripped from her echoing in my head, something that will hunt me for as long as i live.

"Mark... hunny, i need you to breath; listen to me....breath" i can hear the nurse trying to calm me down but i was in such a panic that i thought i was in a tunnel, everything sounded like it was under water... drowning.... i cant breath, cold rushing water....breath....darkness.



CLIFF HANGER........ promise next chapter wont be up too late maybe next couple days as i am moving tomorrow :P hope you like it. 

please leave comments and shit :) 

Survival (mech-X4/Ryan) ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now