Chapter 5

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*NO-One POV*

Time! Its a valuable! When its gone there is no getting it back.....

Grace stood in silence, everything happening around her seemed slow and mute, like something you would seen on a dramatic scene on TV. She stood with so much stillness but violently trembled like a leaf in the wind.... to her the world seemed silenced. So she broke... a heart breaking scream echoed off the hospital walls as she crumbled to the pristine white floors.

*Mark's POV*
I blink and slowly the world cleared up, doing so I looked around so see my self in the recovery position on the hospitals lobby floor! That's when I just noticed the nurse sitting in front of my checking my wrist pulse.
"Excuse me!" I said I a choked whisper.. I frowned, Why is my mouth so dry. Just then the nurse looked up and seen I was awake, " hey, how u feeling Hun? Quite a fall you too, just gonna ask you a few questions to assess that you don't have a concussion" she said so sweetly, I just nodded not wanting to trust my voice just yet!
"What's your full name Hun?" She asked while checking my pupils, " mark walker" I mumble!
"great, now do you what day it is ?" That took me a few mins to figure out.. "What was the day today"I said to my self; "10/07/17" I said slightly unsure with my self but the nurse looked pleased so am guessing I was right.
"Okay last question, do you remember what happened before you passed out?" She said seriously but grimly, that's when I was hit with a flash back;
*Ryan had started seizing and doctors was fearing that Ryan was going to go into cardiac arrest! in the faint distance mark could here his mothers pain scream before the world when dark.*

Survival (mech-X4/Ryan) ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now