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Now is the time to wonder
Why had I chosen church over school work
Was it because of my friends?
Was it because of my God?

Had I chosen to pay you no attention
My hand would never be stretched out into the abyss, trying to reach you

My light comes from the full moon and only he,
The sun is too bright for a black heart
Black collects all the color
All the little... emotions

I could blame the black I wear,
But that wouldn't be fair to white
Because she brings about the fairest of faces and commends me for a job well done

Black loves white

Still, I want to grab you by the wrist and take you down into a bed of forget-me-nots,
Because I know your heart is blue

We will drink pink lemonade by the fishing bridge and look back to check

You will see a lilac origami made flower taped to your still blue heart--I made this for you

Protect it from all this black.

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