A Letter of Thanks to 'Hoes I Dont Respond To'

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Where should I start? Five years ago? Yesterday? Or that time you all got scolded by the security guard for crashing Food-4-Less carts together?

I'm older than you and more mature and sometimes I really just want to walk away from your shenanigans but I never can

Your idiocy never fails to amuse me,
Sometimes is costs me pride to stand next you all but it's worth the laughter.

Really, thank you for being so different from me

I've seen wondrous things while following your journeys. I've never been in a scandal but with you, anything that possibly goes wrong feels like I was my fault

You're all special, very original, and also very ordinary

You listen to the music I did when I was 14, and you still crush on those who will never speak a word to you, I think we all have

You climb to the top of the mountain first and I trail behind, I'd much rather see your victorious face than stand there alone
You'll jump over the fence just to touch the Hollywood sign, like billions before you but you'll grin like you did it first
I'll tell you, that it's dangerous and that the police are on their way, but you'll dance around the letters and when the police do arrive you'll start crying saying I made you do it.

So I usually stay away from the top of the mountain when hiking with you

I let you win arguments cause there's just no getting into the thick skull of yours
I let you decide where to eat even when I specifically said Thai food a week earlier
I let you be as immature as you'd like, and sometimes I feel that your life is way too different than mine, how are we friends

It goes back to the first memory, one I can't even recall now, only a fragment, we were sleeping together on the floor

I've become to busy to ask you are all doing, it's going to be like that for a long time

But still,

Let's make paper snowflakes during summer
Let's walk the halls school after hours
Let's make our youth last an eternity of memories

You are still young, and even more so mentally so I don't expect anything special

I just hope to see you at my funeral,
Or at the top of the mountain,
Whichever comes first.

One last thing, none of you are allowed to write my obituary.

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