Chapter 1

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Eventually, enough talking about me and back to PROM DAY. My hair was finally done after two long hours and we went home so we could do my makeup. Since we’re such fashionable girls, we knew exactly which shades to use and lipsticks and the list goes on. Finally, my hair and makeup were done and I could finally wear my dress and get going.

- So girl, who’s your prom date?! Asked Emily.
- Well Max asked me, I said, and he’s gonna pick me up from here.
- And you didn’t tell me until now!!
- Well what can I do I’m a busy girl I forget things.
- Yeah yeah! Very funny!
- Hahaha. Sorry I really forgot. Plus you should get used by now cause Max takes me practically everywhere.
- Yeah, but I said maybe you dumbed him.
- Why would I do that? I love him. Plus, he asked me.
- I know but you’re so unpredictable and above that you change boyfriends every five seconds.
- Shut up! I do not.
- Oh yes, you do! Remember that one time ..
- OK OK! I got your point. But Max is different you know we were in love before he left the school. But now that he’s back, so is our relashionship.
- But he still haven’t asked you out.
- I mean, you could consider those hang outs as dates.
- Yeah, but I’m not sure he sees them this way.
- Yeah, whatever. I don’t wanna talk about it now. I’m just gonna have fun with him tonight and we’ll worry about that later.
- Yeah baby! IT’S YOUR PROM DAYY!! Ugh! I can’t wait for my prom day.
- YEAH! I’m so gonna do your makeup!
- Of course bestie! It’s not like I’m gonna do it on my own.
- Yeah yeah, you’re my BFF so I could do your makeup.
- Did you hear that?! Max arrived!!
- OMG OMG!! I’m gonna go meet him. Later bestie!
- Later girl! Have fun!
- Oh, I will.

I run downstairs when I see my mom at the door with Max. She kind of doesn’t like him so I run at her to see if she’s giving him a hard time.

- Hey Mom! What are you talking? I asked.
- Nothing just asking him how is he doing, she answered.
And  I hear Max whispering “HELP ME” so I laugh and take him by the hand and we ran outside.
- Alex! Be back by eleven. She yelled.
- Mom it’s prom night I don’t need any curfews.
- Ok ok. Have fun.
- Thanks! Bye.

We jump into Max’s car and start rolling to our school.

- You look so beautiful! He said.
- Thank you!! I said while blushing. You look handsome as well.
- I know right!
- Modesty right!
- Hahaha. Of course. So “fashionista”, how long did it take you to get this beauty done?
- More or less than five hours.
- Yeah, it didn’t take long.
- Yeah, yeah. Five hours aren’t a lot.
- Anyway, even without those five hours, you would have looked gorgeous.
- Aw! You make me blush.
- Love you ma princesse.
- Love you mon prince.

Max and I were in the same french class this year and our teacher used to call us prince et princesse since he flirted with me all the time during that class. So we keep calling each other ma princesse and mon prince. And we arrive to school. It was crowded and full with parents and teachers and most importantly students. We went to see our friends sitting next to the church.

- Hey girls! It’s finally prom. I said.
- Yeah we surely ain’t coming back after this night! explained Mary which is my best friend since high school.
- And we’re gonna have a blast tonight! popped in Jessica who is also my best friend since high school.
- Come on guys! Let’s take a snapchat! and that is Christine who is a snapchat lover cause litteraly she has to take a snap on every occasion.

It’s time to enter the church for our prom celebration, so Mary, Jessica, Christine and I take our dates and success to fit on one bench all of us. The guys start talking guy stuff while we start trashing other girls. It’s practically what we do when we’re toghether so don’t judge! Later, after two long hours of speeches and calling our names to receive our diplomas, we get to start our party. That’s why all senior students rented a club just for us so we could enjoy ourselves togheter for the last night.

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