Chapter 4

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I went home and called Emily to come over. I told her every single detail so she could be up to date whenever something happens. And suddenly I got a notification on my cellphone “[@JoeyRhodes:] MAX HAS SENT YOU A FOLLOW REQUEST ON INSTAGRAM”. I didn’t think he would send him a follow request. But still I accepted him but before doing so I downloaded a picture of mine when  Joey, Emily’s brother, and I hang out and we took a picture of me while he was holding my hand. I kept this picture so if someday I wanted to make someone jealous I would use it. I uploaded the picture, tagged myself and wrote as a caption “I can’t see myself with anyone beside you”. And two hours later I accepted his request so it doesn’t seem too obvious.

Max apparentlly saw it, and decided to talk to Joey since I saw later that day a dm as in direct message on his instagram from Max. Joey sat next to me, and called Emily. The first message was:

- Hey man, said Max.
- Hey, replied Joey. Who are you?
- Do you know Alex? I’m a friend of hers.
- Yeah, of course. Do you know her well?
- Yeah, practically!
- Then nice to meet you.
- I heard you and her were exclusive.
- She told you that?
- No her friends did.
- Then tell them we’re not.
- Why is that?
- I keep asking her but she tells me she’s not ready yet.
- Isn’t been a year for your relationship? I think she should be ready.
- Actually, I’ve had a crush on her since two years. From the first day I moved in.
- Wow. Good for you.
- Yeah. So since you’re her friend, wanna help me make her accept going out with me?
- I don’t know about that. I think she’s in love with someone else.
- WHAT?! WHO?!
- From what I’ve heard. Me.
- Nonsense. She never even mentioned you.
- Maybe because she loves me.
- Don’t worry about that. I know all her boy realtionships cause we’re friends. And you’re not one of them.
- Ok. Suit yourself.
- We’ll see who will win her then.
- Yeah good luck begging her, while when I ask her out she won’t even think about it.
- Yeah, bye.
- Bye.

At the time, I couldn’t believe that just happened. It’s like a dream that came true. He sort of admitted that he wants me. But the plan had to continue. It’s not like when he sees me with someone else, he’s gonna want me and when I’m not with them he’s gonna start ignoring me all over again. That’s why I had to continue the lie.

It was the fourth day since Joey was made. So many new things had happened. I went to school as usual, sat with my friends, when Max called me over. I went and he suddenly took my hand and started running, taking me to the library. I was surprised and I asked him:

- What’s that all about?
- Nothing, he answered. I wanted to spend time with you without anyone bothering us.
- Well, what else?
- How are you and Joey?
- We’re good. Nothing new.
- So what about we go out this Saturday?
- Yeah, sorry, I can’t on Saturday. I have a date with Joey.
- What about Friday?
- I was going to do something but we can arrange that.
- Always busy. Even for me?
- Joey is taking all my time, what can I say?
- What about Sunday? I think Sunday is good.
- Yeah sure. I have nothing on Sunday.

Then we talked as usual and we went to class. School had finished. I went home, took a shower, studied than Jessica came over. As I said before, her and her boyfriend have been together for three years. But since this was four years ago they were still lovers at the moment.

- I cannot believe you have a boyfriend and you didn’t tell me! Expalined Jessica
- Who told you?! I asked.
- Well, I heard Mary and her BF talking. Plus I saw Max in class making that sad face so I knew it was true.
- Aw! He’s sad?
- Yeah, girl! He surely is attached to you.
- Well, I have that effect on people.
- Enough kidding now. Why didn’t you tell me?
- Well, it’s not a big deal.
- Spill me the details. Now.
- Alright! Alright! So we met when..
I told her all the story I made up with Joey and she seemed touched, since she’s all about love.
- I can’t believe I’m now hearing about it. That’s so romantic . Girl, forget about Max and stay with Joey. He’s like every boyfriend goals.
- Yeah! I know!

Friday finally came, I was going out with my friends to the beach. If I wanna see Max, then I’m sure going to get a tan. The beach was awesome, we had so much fun and spending the day without boy stress is so relaxing.

Saturday was fun as well. I went out with Joey and Emily and I got to take pictures with Joey so it could seem like the fake Joey. I uploaded it on my instagram account and his. And Sunday finally here you are! I started choosing what to wear then done my makeup and my hair. When I was about to go out my mom called me:

- Hey Alex! Where are you going?
- A friend of mine is waiting for me, i answered.
- Really? You’re going without even doing your homework?!
- Mom, I’ll do them later.
- No! Stay here. You’re not allowed to go out until you finish your homework.
- You couldn’t have told me that yesterday or the day before. You had to choose today.
- Stop arguing with me and go study.
- Ugh! The fuck, mom! That’s so unfair!
- Yeah, whatever go study!

Mom just ruined my day. I did my makeup for nothing and now I can’t see Max, and I think he was going to ask me out. So I decided to call him.

- Hey Max.
- Where are you? He asnwered the phone. I’ve been waiting for you since half an hour!
- I’m so sorry but I can’t come. My mom didn’t allow me cause I didn’t finish my homework.
- But I was looking so forward to see you.
- Me too! But I’m so sorry.
- Ugh! It’s ok. We’ll talk at school. See ya.
- Later.

I did my homework and finished it at 10pm and my mom started yelling at me that I started early and I finished now and that’s why she didn’t let me go and other parenting stuff. I’ve waited so long till he asks me out and here I am doing my fucking homework.

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