Chapter 8

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Excpet that it’s not the end. When that kiss finished, I was ready to leave Joey waiting at the aisle and run into Max’s arms. But I suddenly heard voices coming from somewhere far. Than they started to get closer. At first, it wasn’t clear. But then I heard it. It was Emily’s voice saying:

- Alex! Alex! Wake up!

And when I opened my eyes, I looked at her, surprised.

- What?! What do you mean by wake up?! I yelled.
- Well you did just sleep, responded Emily. We were heading to the hair stylist and you just crushed.
- So you mean that was just a dream?
- What dream?
- Omg! I can’t believe that this wasn’t real! It felt so true!
- Oh, come on! Tell me this dream of yours! But on our way to the hair stylist. We’re getting late.
- Omg! This is so unreal! Come on, let’s go. I’ll tell you everything.

I told her every single detail of my dream and it lasted until I was finished from my hair, since it was such a long dream. And such a real one. I’m still in shock that really didn’t happen. I should have known that’s it not real from the time Joey appeared. But I did feel every single moment of it. I lived them all. It was so beautiful, and magical. I just wanted to end up with the right guy. And now I don’t even know the one for me. It sucks that none of this was real. It was my chance to finally spend the rest of my life with Max. But now, I don’t even know if he likes me.

But then it hit me. Why dream about it and wait for it, when I can just go and take it. Why don’t I ask him out. Or ask him if he loves me. If he wasn’t gonna do it, I might as well do it myself. Maybe that’s what he needed to make our relationship real. And I wanted to change things. So everything that happened wrong don’t happen again. Emily and I were finished from my hair and on our way home I just told her:

- So Em! I said. I forgot to tell you!
- Then tell me, she answered.
- Max asked me to be his prom date.
- Finally! Well tell me the details.
- So we went to the movies that day with Mary and her boyfriend. Like on a double date. It was one month ago by the way.
- And you forgot to tell me! Anyway, continue!
- Yeah sorry! So he asked me to join him for a surprise trip. It was almost midnight and we had fun in the car singing and joking. Then we arrived to the amusment park.
- Don’t tell me he asked you at the amusment park! I can’t believe it! It’s so romantic! And the amusement park is your favorite place!
- I know! Isn’t it so cute! And when we were on the ferris wheel , it stopped when we were at the highest point. The sky was so dark, but the lights around us were everywhere. It was such a romantic view. Then he turned around and asked me: “Isn’t the view just wonderful?” so I answered  “It’s amazing!” and he said “You’re amazing as well! And I wanted to ask you. Will you be my prom date?” so you know I was so happy and I answered “Omg! Yes! I can’t believe you did all that just to ask me to be your prom date.” And his answer just killed me “I’ll do anything for you! And I wanted you to remember this as something special.”
- I can’t believe he did all that. He’s really a gentleman as you describe him.
- I know! That’s why I love him! Now that we’re finally home, let’s go do my makeup.

After that story, we went did my makeup and heard Max’s car park near the house. I went downstairs and saw my mom, again, giving him a hard time and he whispered “help me”. Just like my dream. Then we started rolling to school. I knew that it was the right time to ask him if he loves me, when I looked at him and saw him just smiling when looking at me.

- What are you thinking about, beautiful?
- A lot of things. You don’t wanna know.
- What if I do!
- I know that you don’t!
- Come on! Tell me! You know you can tell me anything.
- It’s just a question that I want to know its answer for so long. But I never found out the answer.
- Well ask me. I’m listening.
- Do you.. Euh.. Love me?
- Of course I do.
- Not like siblings love. I mean like more than friends.
- I think I already answered your question. Of course I do.
- Then why.. Never mind.
- No! tell me!
- I’m just afraid of the answer.
- I would never hurt you. So come on, ask me.
- Why won’t you just ask me out?
- What do you mean?
- You never said we could be official.
- Well, maybe because we are.
- We are? But you should ask me first!
- But I did!
- You did?!
- Well yeah, I did! I can’t believe you don’t remember! Look at that conversation on my cellphone.

Max stopped the car, and held his cellphone in front of me on a conversation we once had.

- Alex, I love you! Would you be my girlfriend!
- Well of course yes!

Why did I answer him that when I don’t even remember he even asked me. And now we’re toghether. Then it hit me. That conversation was three months ago. When Emily and I went out to get some drinks and got drunk AF. He probably shouldn’t have asked me that when it was after midnight and I was just talking so weirdly. He should have known I was drunk. Plus he never mentioned the asking me out thing.

Oh, but now I remember! He mentioned a few times me being his girlfriend. He used to call me that often but I didn’t get why he was calling me like that. And why he did and never asked me out. Well because he did and I didn’t remember. I feel so stupid right now. That’s one of the things I would do. I forget things all the time.

- Max, I’m so sorry! I can’t believe that you asked me the night I got drunk. This is so stupid of me. Specially not checking who I texted that night after being drunk. I probably had sex with someone and don’t remember.
- Oh! Cheater! You’re my girlfriend now. You should only have sex with me.
- Only if I want to! So catch me if you could!

I jumped out of his car and ran into the woods. After passing several trees and him chasing me, I saw a thousand of pink flowers all around. I love roses, so I started running between them. Then Max catched me and we felt between those gorgeous flowers. He was right above me. He started kissing me all over my face. Then he was starting to lean closer and closer to kiss me. And our lips touched.

You could say that my dream came true, but in a much faster and simpler way. I think my dream was always what I wanted. But why search for the complicated when you could just have it if you ask. And I think if I didn’t asked him those questions, I would probably be lost as before. After those unforgettable moments, we went back to the car and headed back to school. But on the way he told me:

- You know what I thought all this time?
- That I didn’t like you?
- No! that you wanted to keep our relationship secret since you didn’t mention it in front of anyone. Specially Emily. That’s why I never told anybody.
- So since it’s like now you asked me, let’s tell everyone that we’re together. And I will tell my friends later the details.
- Finally the world’s gonna know that we’re a couple!
- Baby! I love you!
- I love you way, way more!

After that sentence, he just grabbed my face and kissed me. And we finally arrived, after this long amazing ride. We went and told his friends and my friends about us being official. My friends didn’t believe it. They were so happy for me. I still can’t believe it as well. Even though my dream was so beautiful, I’m happy that it wasn’t real. I want this reality and nothing else. The graduation ceremony goes on. I sat beside all of my friends and their dates. And we went to the party.

In our way there, Max and I called Emily and told her everything. What surprised me that she wasn’t shocked or anything. So I asked her why wasn’t she surprised of what I did and she just said “I’ve been your best friend for nine years now. I know that this is something you would totally do.” Max and I just laughed while talking to her all the way there. We went to our table while Max wanted to speak to the DJ. He said he’s a friend of his. We ate and danced and laughed. And it was time for the slow dance. So all of my friends took their dates and went to the dance floor. As well as Max and I.

We just stood in the middle of the dance floor, and when everyone was dancing slow like it should be, Max and I were hugging each other and I laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his on my hair and started kissing it, then my shoulder, then my cheek. The night continued. Of course I warned Max not to drink much, and Mary to not interrupt us even if the world was ending, so this night could just continue perfectly.

Everyone were sitting on their tables and talking. I heard a slow dance song. But nobody stood to dance. They were all tired. So was I. But apparently Max wasn’t. He grabbed my hand and took me in the middle. And we slowed dance like before. Except this time the DJ was announcing something. “I just wanted to say that Max is a good friend of mine. And that’s why I wanna congratulate him for finally being official with the girl of his dreams. Congratulations Max and Alex!”

That was so sweet of him. Specially that now I know what Max told the DJ, I know that I’m the girl of his dreams, and he’s the guy of my dreams. My prince charming.

- I love you, ma princesse!
- And I love you, mon prince!

Now that I’ve got what I always wanted, I couldn’t wish for anything else.

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