Chapter 3

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Four years ago, after a normal day at school, I rushed over to Emily’s house, since she was sick and stayed home all day. Lucky her. But I had to make sure my best friend was okay. I entered her house without even knocking, since her parents are used to me cause I litterally see them every day, and they even call me their second daughter. Anyway, I ran to her room and jumped on her bed.

- Hey bitch! What’s up with you? I asked Emily.
- I think it’s just a little cold, she answered, nothing to worry about.
- Well, how are you now?
- I’m good. But tell me.
- Tell you what?
- What’s going on. Since you rushed to me that fast after school I know there’s something.
- Well, I wanna see how you’re doing and talk to you a little bit.
- Then come on. Spill me all the details.
- Ok. So my love for Max is only growing and he won’t even notice me. I mean, since I started being mean to him, he started ignoring me.
- Girl, Max is different than other guys. Being mean to him won’t help you.
- I know. That’s why I’m asking you what to do.
- Ok. There’s only one way, but we have to think big.
- Then come on. Tell me. I always think big.
- Ok. So we should totally make him jealous. But since he’s not like other guys we should think big. This boy should love you a lot, and make it look like he loves you more than you do, and he always gets you gifts and stuff.
- That’s a pretty good idea! I like the way you think. And since I can’t find a guy now, let’s make up someone.
- That’s what I was thinking! So what should we name him?
- Well, I do like your brother’s name.
- You mean Joey?
- Yeah, wanna call him that?
- Of course. Joey it is.
- Who mentioned my name?! Interfered Joey, Emily’s brother
- Hey joey!
- Hey bro!
- So what’s going on with you two? Asked Joey
- Well..

We told him everything about Max since he already knows about him and about making a Joey.

- Ok. So I’m gonna go eat my medicines and stuff, said Emily, at the mean time, you two decide the rest of the plan.
- Ok girl.

Joey is like the brother I never had. I love this family they are like my other family. And we start planning.

- So what should his last name be? I asked.
- I say Rhodes, answered Joey, cause there are too many Rhodes and they won’t even know which Rhodes he will be related to.
- Yeah, that’s a great idea! But how can we describe my relationship with him?
- Let’s say that he’s your new neighbor for two years now, but you never talked or anything until Emily got to know his brother Zac. They started dating a year ago, and they decided to go on a double date with you and Joey so you could meet.
- And of course, since I have no problem meeting guys, I accepted.
- Yeah, he continued, and you went on that date. You sat alone with him, got to know him and you liked each other. Then you started to talk all the time chatting and stuff, and he asked you out several months later.
- I accepted going out with him, i proceeded, and we went on many dates for half a year and then I broke up with him since I didn’t see him more than a friend. We stayed friends and he admitted that even though we’re friends he’s in love with me and was since the first time he saw me.
- But, let’s make him crazy about you. Let’s say that the first time he saw you wasn’t on your double date but on the first day he moved in here. He was always watching you but didn’t have the guts to even talk to you. So he knew you’re best friends with Emily and asked his brother to go out with Emily so he could go out with you.
- Aw! That’s so cute! I’m already in love with him.
- I spend too much time with you girls, I’ve started to sound like you.
- I noticed. Hahaha.
- Ok now that you’re friends and he admitted his love, you’ve started being lovers and you’re becoming closer than ever and could go out soon.
- Now that we have a story, we should at least make him one social account.
- Facebook is too public. We should make him an instagram account.
- I know then! I have an account that I keep in case someone hacked me or something. So we turn him into his account. I’m gonna change its name into @JoeyRhodes.
- Yeah, it’s pretty good. And what about a snapchat account. We could both of us use it. I can snap guy stuff so he doesn’t seem gay and when you go out with Emily you make her snap you as in he’s out with you.
- Joey! I’m surprised you could even think like that!
- I told you, I’m spending too much time with you.
- Yeah! Love you, thank you so much.
- Nothing to mention. See you later, I got to catch on some of my friends.
- Later.

We thought of everything and the plan had to start. Emily and I made his instagram and snapchat account, made a couple of accounts for his friends so he doesn’t look fake.

The plan started. I told Mary everything she needs to know about Joey. Her boyfriend is a friend of Max and he keeps coming to talk to him while he’s with Mary. He even became friends with her and asks her about me sometimes. And, just to mention, I’m a good actor and nobody had thought that Joey was fake, even until now. I came to school early so I could talk with Mary. I saw Max coming to me but I acted like I didn’t and started talking about Joey so he could hear it.

- So he came to my house, I told her. And you know how my mom loves him and everything and he took me out to diner.
- That’s so cute, said Mary. Now tell me everything you’ve done.
- Ok. So.. oh! Hey Max!
- Hey girls! Max interfered. Who were you talking about?
- None of your business butthead. Sry but I gonna run to my BF. He’s calling me. Catch you late, said Mary and left.
- So really who were you talking about? He asked again.
- You were listening to our converstaion. I won’t tell you.
- You got a new boo?
- Hahaha! No! it’s an old boo.
- Oh so it’s a been a while since you’ve known him.
- Yeah! One year and still counting!
- You’ve also known me for one year.
- Oh yeah! But I knew him before you. He’s my neighbor. We started talking from one year. But I know him from two years ago when he moved next to me.
- Neighbors in love!
- You could say that!
- What’s his name?
- Enough with the questions, alright? I’m going to class I’ll see you later.
- Yeah, see you!

I left and ran to Mary and told her that our plan is starting to work. After school, I went back at Emily’s and told her all the details. And that’s when her evil mind started working.

- He couldn’t be an invisible guy on his instagram account, Emily suggested. We should find a boy who could be him, and has the same body as my brother, in case he ever decided to snap something showing his arms for example when he’s playing video games.
- Oh I know a perfect guy! I said. I don’t really know him but I’ve seen his instagram posts. He’s pretty popular and is CUTE AF!
- Well that’s our guy! And make sure he doesn’t know you’re using his pics.
- He won’t. He doesn’t even know me. Plus he doesn’t live here. And Joey’s account is gonna be private.
- Good thinking. Girl we’re evil geniuses.
- I know right! We think of everything!

The second day came, I went to school and arrived right before the bell rang. I saw Mary running towards me. I asked her what’s going on and she said she needed me instantly so we decided to ditch class. We went to starbucks, and of course ordered a cup each one.

- So what is that urgent thing you need to tell me? I asked
- Well, since you were late, Max came to talk to me. He asked me if you love him.
- And what did you say.
- Well since our plan is to get him jealous, that’s what I did.
- Oh! Tell me now!
- I yelled at him “WHAT?! NO! DON’T YOU KNOW JOEY?! THEY’RE IN LOVE”
- Omg! Hahaha! What was his reaction?!
- He was pretty much shocked like “WHAT?! WHO’S JOEY?!” and I said “Her neighbor, and I see she didn’t tell you about him. Well I gotta go bye!” and I left.
- That’s dope, girl. He earned it.
- Of course he earned it. No one should ignore us. And I know what you did with my ex when he cheated on me so I’m giving you back the favor.
- You know about what I did to him?! Nobody knows!
- Don’t worry nobody told me I just assumed it was you cause it’s something you would do.
- Poor guy! Hahaha! That snake in his bag must have freaked him out!
- I know right! Hahaha!

We came back to school on time for our second period, which was my english class. Max and I have three classes together. And one of them was the english period. It’s a good thing that we ditched first period so I won’t be surprised if Max said something about this. Suddenly, I heard him calling me.

- Hey, Alex! Come sit next to me!
- Hey! I said. So how are you?
- I’m fine. By the way, congratulations for you and Joey.
- Thank you, I mean, how do you know about him?!
- I have my resources. So you’re together?
- Not yet. We dated last year but I broke up with him cause I didn’t love him but now I don’t know. You know feelings change.
- I don’t think mine change.
- What are your feelings?
- That I l..
- MAX AND ALEX, shouted our english teacher Mr Belleman, STOP TALKING AND PAY ATTENTION!

As you can see, I didn’t get to hear what Max was about to tell me. But that just makes him go after me a little more. Our plan was working and in an incredibly good way.

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