Chapter 2

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A couple of hours pass, and not much happens. They all share a drink in honor of the current apocalypse, the tradition when things aren't going well, and the end may be nearing. It's fairly soon during this time that Castiel figures out what's going on. In fact, it's so obvious, he's surprised he didn't realize it already. This is clearly the work of a djinn, and Castiel knows exactly what the wish was. It's the thing he wishes for every day. For Dean to finally love him back.

"Cas, you want one?" Dean offers, holding up a beer.

Snapped out of his trance, Castiel answers, "Uh, no thanks."

"Suit yourself."

Dean grabs a bottle for himself, sitting down next to the angel on the floor. He puts an arm around Castiel's shoulders, using the other to take a sip of beer. He leans into Castiel, resting his head on top of the angel's. Castiel does one thing he's always wanted to do. He snuggles up to Dean.

"Are we gonna have to watch this love fest all day?" Bobby asks, rolling his eyes.

"I think it's sweet," Jo protests with a faint smile as she watches the two boys. "It's nice to see that even though it's the end of the world, at least you two are happy."

"It's always the end of the world," Dean reminds her.

"But this time, we got no way of stopping it," Bobby adds.

"We'll figure something out," Dean replies. "We always do."

"Well, we've never faced God's sister before."

"Bobby, stop being such a pessimist," Ellen scolds him. "Dean's right. We'll figure something out, or die trying."

"If we're serious about figuring something out, any idea where to start?" Bobby asks. "As much as I love the idea of sitting around with a beer, we got work to do."

"I don't think there's anything we can do," Sam replies. "I mean, unless he comes back any time soon —"

"How's now for soon?" The familiar voice makes Castiel jump slightly. 


"Well?" Sam prompts, oblivious to Castiel's silent awe. "Is he coming?"

"Of course I am."

Castiel's head shoot to the doorway, where another angel is entering the room. 

No. No way. He's dead. He's been dead for years. So how is he here? Here, in the bunker that he died before they ever uncovered?

"Heya, guys? How've you been? Let me guess. Horrible."

"Cut the crap, Gabriel," Sam snaps.

"Sam, I'm offended," Gabriel replies in his usual flippant tone. "You asked me to be here, remember? I mean, it's not like I'm the one that screwed up. Again. I didn't have to come pull your ass out of the fire."

"You're saving yourself, too," Ellen reminds him. "So get talking. How do we kill the Darkness?"

Gabriel chuckles. "Oh, you clueless little... You can't kill the Darkness."

"Then why'd you show?" Dean demands. "If there's nothing we can do, why'd you even bother?"

"I didn't say there's nothing you can do, just that you can't kill her," Gabriel replies.

"Then what are we supposed to do, huh?"

"Nothing," Gabriel replies. "Oh, don't give me that look, Deano! You're up against God's sister, and you've only got one archangel with you. Last time, it took all four. Oh yeah, and the big man himself. But if you're really set on the impossible task of stopping the Darkness, there may be a way."

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