Chapter 9

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Castiel watches the Winchesters slam their fists against the door, though the music coming from the other side is so loud, had Lucifer not been an angel, he probably wouldn't hear them. They've been doing this for at least ten minutes, and nothing has come of it. 

"Eventually, you're gonna have to come out and talk to..." Sam pauses uncertainly finishing, "all of us."

The music suddenly gets really quiet, and the Winchesters share a look before leaning closer to the door, waiting to hear some response.

"If you find Amara, tell me. Until then, I'll be in my room."

The music returns to its original volume. Dean throws his hands up, and Castiel runs a hand through his hair in exasperation.

"You're not in your room," Sam mutters. "That's my room."

The three of them exchange a look, not entirely sure how to proceed, and Dean begins knocking on the door again. After a pause, Sam does the same, and Castiel continues to watch.

"You're wasting your time."

The three look over to see Gabriel leaning against the wall nonchalantly, watching them.

"What do you want now?" Dean asks, exasperated.

"Oh, I don't know." Gabriel walks towards them slowly, running one finger along the wall. "To stick someone in Scooby Doo; to force whoever made the new Star Wars movie to deal with Kylo Ren forever because that guy is so annoying —"

"What do you want from us?" Dean emphasizes the last two words so Gabriel doesn't go off on another tangent.

"I want you to go back to your little paradise in the library," he says. Before they can protest, he continues, "I'll deal with my bro. He won't kill me." He pauses, then adds, "Probably."

"What, and you think he's gonna kill us?" Dean asks, crossing his arms.

"Well, I'm not saying that he doesn't like you, but if he had to choose between killing you or destroying the entire eastern hemisphere... Well, you'd probably want to say your final goodbyes."

"If he was going to kill us, he would've done it already," Sam says.

"Are you really willing to take that chance?" He looks between the three of them, and when no one jumps to agree with him, he adds, "Look, I don't like you guys. You know that. But right now, it's not just your asses on the line; it's mine, too. If there's any chance I could possibly save myself, at least, I'm gonna take it, and right now, Lucifer is that chance. Gimme ten minutes, and I'll see if I can get him out of there."

Dean glances at Sam and Castiel, and, when there are no objections, he says, "Ten minutes, and I swear to god, Gabriel, if you screw this up more —"

"More than you three? Impossible." Gabriel winks, and, with a snap of his fingers, sends the three back to the library.

"So?" Jo prompts. "How'd it go?"

"How do you think it went?" Dean snaps.

"Dean," Castiel says quietly, putting a hand on his back to calm him down. He could never do that in the real world, but in this new one, it doesn't seem to surprise anyone. Dean just gives him a small smile.

"He's ignoring us, but Gabriel is gonna try to talk him into helping us," Sam explains.

"You're really gonna trust Gabriel?" Bobby says skeptically.

"We didn't have much of a choice," Dean says. "He kinda forced our hand."

"But he's Lucifer's brother," Sam says. "If anyone can convince him to stop ignoring us, it would be him."

"Oh, I don't know about that," Balthazar says.

"Angels don't view family the same way you two do," Castiel says. "They may have been friends once, but that was millennia ago. It may be a bit much to hope that their relationship withstood all that time apart, especially seeing what happened to Lucifer and Michael."

"If you're getting desperate, there's always my way," Crowley offers.

"Dammit, Crowley,  that's not gonna happen, so just shut up about it!" Dean snaps, his hands balled into fists by his side.

"Dean." Castiel puts a hand on his shoulder, and the hunter turns to face him.

"I'm sorry, I just... I'm getting really close to giving up right now. Maybe we should just send everyone home and enjoy the world while it lasts."

"We can't give up," Castiel says immediately. "We'll figure something out. We always do." And, judging by the number of people still alive today, their methods are a lot better in this universe than his own. Apparently, sticking with Dean helps.

Dean sighs. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He looks around at everyone else in the room, all standing or sitting in a bored silence, and takes charge again. "Well, if no one has any bright ideas, let's see what we can find. We've got two archangels now. Maybe that'll help."

Sam sighs. "Fine. I'll hit the books. Again."

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