Chapter 4

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"Are you out of your mind?" Crowley demands. "You want to try to bring Lucifer out again?"

"Yes," Dean replies evenly.

"Why would you ever think that's a good idea?"

"We don't," Sam tells him. "But it's the only idea we've got."

Crowley looks between the two brothers, then asks, "You do remember he'll need a vessel to escape the cage, don't you?"

"Yes," Sam replies. "And I'm willing to give him one."

"What? No, we never said that," Dean says quickly. "In fact, we said the opposite of that."

"Then what do you want to do, huh?" Sam challenges. "Because if we're not giving him a vessel, we're not getting him out, so we might as well just leave now."

"But — Cas, help me out."

"Sam's right," Castiel tells him. "If we truly are going to let him out of the cage, he will need a vessel, and that would have to be one of us."

"Then we're not letting him out," Dean says, his tone making it clear that this is not up for debate.

"Or..." Crowley proposes hesitantly. "I found his old vessel from when he first escaped a few years ago, made some modifications. Get him in there, and I can control him, make sure he doesn't kill you or your friends."

"Why would you do that?" Dean asks suspiciously.

"Because I know Moose won't give up until the devil's walking free."

"No, I mean why would you help us? Shouldn't you want him to kill us?"

"Oh, Dean, you've got me all wrong," Crowley tells him. "You lot may be the biggest pains in the ass I have ever met, but I don't want you dead. As much as I hate to admit it, you can be useful. You know, when you're not being complete morons."

"Great. Thanks," Dean says sarcastically.

"Whatever. We just need to talk to Lucifer," Sam tells him.

"And are you going to let the dog out of his cage?" Crowley asks.

"We don't know," Sam replies.

"Gee, real helpful," Crowley says sarcastically. "Well, if you're seriously going to try to reason with Lucifer, we're going to need help warding the cage and summoning him there."

"And that means we need Rowena," Sam finishes. "Shouldn't be too hard. She's practically in love with the guy."


It's a few hours later when Rowena finishes her chant. At first, nothing happens. Then, from the other side of the cage, two small circles glow red, and they all know Lucifer is here. He walks up to the front of the cage slowly, resting his hands on the bars as he leans forward, allowing the light to illuminate his face and reveal his smirk.

"Long time, no see," he greets them. "So? You guys rethink your decision? Is my timeout over?"

"Depends," Dean replies. "We can get you a vessel, but you've got to play by our rules."

Lucifer pauses a moment, mentally debating whether it's worth his time to listen. Finally, he responds, looking interested but not desperate for an escape.

"I'm listening."

"You can't use my brother as a vessel," Dean tells him. "But we did find your old vessel for you to use. We're bringing you out under the impression that you can help us with Amara, and that's all."

"And once she's gone, what are you going to do with me?" Lucifer asks. "Gonna try to stuff me back in here? Good luck with that."

Dean glances at Castiel and Sam, silently asking if there are any last minute objections to the plan they formulated.

"As long as no one gets hurt, we'll leave you alone. But that's after we take care of the Darkness. Until then, you either stay in the cage, or you stay with us. What's it gonna be?"

"Are you kidding me?" Lucifer scoffs. "You're giving me an easy out, and you think I'm gonna say no? It's so boring here without my human punching bag!"

Castiel glances at Sam, who takes a small, subtle step away from the archangel. Lucifer just smirks at his discomfort. If looks could kill, Dean would have an archangel's blood on his hands.

"Are you going to help us get rid of Amara or not?" Dean demands.

"Eh, sure. Why not? Now, where's my vessel?"

It requires some spell work for Lucifer to return to his former vessel, which, with both Rowena and Crowley working together, is both quick and full of needless bickering. Throughout the process, Lucifer leans against the edge of the cage, watching with apparent disinterest. Finally, the spell is prepared, and Crowley brings out the vessel, which he throws on the ground carelessly. The body has been repaired from the damage sustained when Lucifer inhabited it all those years ago.

To the untrained eye, it just looks like someone fell asleep on the floor, but Castiel can feel the magic in it. Whatever warding Crowley put on this thing, it's big; much worse than any magic the King of Hell should have access to.

"Ready?" Dean asks, glancing at Crowley and Rowena. Crowley just gives the hunter a small nod, and it's clear that even though he's the one who told the Winchesters and Castiel that they could do this, he doesn't want it any more than them. Rowena, on the other hand, seems excited to see the archangel in person for the first time, without the bars of the cage separating them.

Rowena begins her spell, and Castiel looks between her and the cage until finally, there's a flash of light at an intensity Castiel hasn't seen since his time in Heaven. It only lasts a couple moments, and then the cage is empty.

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