Chapter 5

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Lucifer sits up slowly, the cracking of his long abandoned vessel carrying easily in the dead silence of the room. He flexes his hands and balls them into fists a few times, watching the movement with a small smile. He rolls his head out, his neck popping with every movement. Slowly, he rises to his feet, looking around at everyone else standing in the room.

"Hey guys," he says with devilish grin. "I'm back."

"And under my control," Crowley adds.

Lucifer just rolls his eyes. "That was so half an hour ago. I'm over it." He raises a hand in the demon's direction, and, with a simple flick of his fingers, Crowley is sent flying across the room. Lucifer turns to Team Free Will. "So, thanks for the release, but I'm kinda sick of you guys meddling in everything, so, uh, bye."

He raises a hand towards them, but stops at the sound of Crowley's voice.
"Not gonna happen."

Lucifer turns around slowly, incredulity on his features. "You think you can stop me?" He scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, sure. You know what?" He spreads his arms in a "come at me, bro" position. "Go for it. Take your best shot. And then it's my turn." He cracks his knuckles loudly for effect.

Crowley stands up, his posture conveying his confidence. He raises a hand, not towards Lucifer but just in front of him. Lucifer watches with a bemused smile, which turns into a cry of pain when Crowley snaps his fingers. Crowley does it again, this time sending Lucifer to the floor in pain. He looks up, his face showing a mixture of suffering and awe.

Crowley puts his hands in his pockets, looking down at the angel with an air of superiority. "You're under my control now, so I suggest you play by my rules."

"And if I don't?" Lucifer challenges.

Though nothing else seems to change, he cries out in pain once again.

"This right here? Just the tip of the iceberg," Crowley tells him. "I could do so, so much worse to you, and trust me, I would love every second of it. For your sake, I suggest you play along with whatever Moose, Squirrel and his little lovebird there have planned for you."

Lucifer glares at him, and, for the first time since Castiel met him, he can see... weakness. Lucifer drops his gaze to the floor, his heavy breathing easily audible in the now otherwise silent room. He stands up slowly, his head not held quite as high as it used to be, as if Crowley just drained the confidence out of him. Any semblance of the quirky, humorous in the most annoying way Lucifer is gone, replaced by a majorly pissed off but powerless archangel.

Castiel glances around the room to gauge the others' reactions to this new Lucifer. Sam appears relieved, which he can understand. He went through most of the trauma Lucifer inflicted on the group, and knowing that Crowley has complete control over him must be a big comfort. Rowena is glaring daggers at her son; her infatuation with Lucifer clearly hasn't waned in recent months, seeing as Lucifer hasn't snapped her neck in this reality.

Dean just looks amused at the whole situation. Castiel can't blame him; Crowley is just a demon, yet he can control Lucifer, an archangel, like a dog. It's a rather amusing concept, if slightly terrifying at the same time. They can only hope Crowley values their existence as much as he claims, because between him and Lucifer, they easily have enough power to wipe out Team Free Will.

Lucifer takes a moment to glare at Crowley, then makes a noise that's almost a growl in frustration. "I don't particularly want to spend the last days of my life with you, so let's hurry this up, 'kay?"

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