Who Are You, Exactly?

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Here I am, again. I have my spots around the school where I go to hide and get away from all the commotion inside. There's just way too many people who yell and fight in this school, and it's not really the best thing for kids with anxiety like me.

I have some friends to talk to, but even they can turn into the freaks of the school. It's like one second, they'll be having a -partially- normal conversation with me, but then they'll go seek out their other friends, and go totally insane.

My school lets us use laptops, so of course i'm writing away all my thoughts and shit.

It's actually really sunny outside, which is odd for the cold fronts we've been having where I live.

I take off my glasses to clean them, but the damn wind blows them away! That's what I get for getting such a thin wire frame. I sigh in defeat, and try to locate where they could be with my blurry vision. I look around frantically, until I spot a big wad of deep blue. What the hell- I think to myself.

Suddenly the blue wadded figure speaks, but it's not just a simple "Hello," or a "Hi' but instead, it's something different.

"Your name's Peridot, right?"

"Mhm.." I mumbled in question. I had no idea who this person was, it sounded like a girl, but I didn't want to assume anything. 

"Miss. Quarts asked me..-"

I cut them off pretty sharply, because I already knew what MIss. Quarts wanted from me. She wanted me to, just like every time a new student, or teacher, arrives at our school, for the past 10 years,  show this person around the campus and explain every class and every subject to them. 

"To show you around the campus?" My voice comes off a little more bitchy then I intended, but I continue on with the conversation to  make it pass by quicker.

"Yeah.." Their voice is very quiet, and I wonder if I offended them or made them decide to be bitchy back to me.

"Alright, whatever, lets go..." I mumbled under my breath, still angry about my loss of glasses, and still questioning if I offended the blue blob still standing in front of me. As if right on cue, the blob shifts closer to me, and suddenly I can feel something soft, but warm on my hands.

"Are these, yours?" The figure asks, gently, but carefully.

I quickly retrieve what is placed in my hands, and feel around for what I hope is the wings on my glasses. I find them and plaster them to my face, blinking repeatedly to steady my blurry vision.

Once my vision is finally clear, I look around to see what I possibly missed, and standing in front of me is a girl, a girl with deep brown eyes, and ocean blue hair. She blinks a couple times, and stares at my face, I see her eyes trail down somewhere, and I wonder were they're going. 

"Hey, Uhm...are we gonna go?" My throat forces out, watching the girls eyes careful.

I look back up at her face, and I see a red tint on her cheeks. I wonder if she has a fever...I hope she doesn't get me sick, or sneeze on me. Oh geez. 

"Yeah, but I thought you were the one taking me around the school...not me."

Dammit peridot, you dun fucked it up with your anxiety.

"Oh...yeah, right...lets- get on to business!" I looked  at her, and I began to walk into the direction of the class corridor, as we were walking, I looked over at her, and I could still see the pink painted on to her cheeks.

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