Chapter 2

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Serena woke up from the alarm that buzzed in her ear.

'Ugh, morning!' She grumbled.

Serena jumped up quickly and got ready for today. Even though it was a dreadful Monday, she would make the best of it. Serena rushed downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast, while her purse in one hand, as she went out the door.

Serena walked towards the vehicle and halted to regain the keys out of the front pocket of her purse. She climbed into her black cavalier car that was bought for her sixteen birthday. This vehicle was awarded, because of the hard work and determination Serena demonstrated in school. She turned the car on, put it gear and drove to work.

Twenty minutes later, Serena had arrived. The building was huge and made of red bricks with square windows. Of course, Serena went into the section that the patients entered, since she had no idea where to go. From the glance outside, no one would imagine how big the interior looked.

After Serena had stepped inwards, she noticed the receptionist's stand was on the right and the waiting room on the left. She approached the counter and stood by, until the woman finished the phone call. The secretary had short blonde hair that was pinned to the side with a purple clip. She was portly and tall with a frown upon her face, as she spoke into the phone.

Serena viewed the spacious room that had abundant blue seats and a bookshelf while she waited. In a few minutes, the call had ended.

"Can I help you?" The clerk exhorted in distaste.

"Yes. I'm the new Dental Hygienist?" Serena answered, nervously.

"Go around back to where it says employees only." The bookkeeper expressed, as she pointed out from behind the desk.

"Thank-You!" Serena alleged, as she went toward the direction given.

The receptionist just gave a response of, "Uh-huh."

Instantly, the telephone began to ring, and the office worker picked it up.

'Here we go!' Serena thought, as she opened the door.

"Hi!" A woman's voice came out of nowhere. She was dressed in a blue flowery scrub and added, "You must be Serena?! I'm Deena."

The woman-Deena has medium color blonde hair with brunette highlights that peaked through. Deena had chocolate-colored eyes, a wide nose, thin jawbone and a skinny frame. Serena noticed her sudden action, to hide the fact she smokes by shoving the cigarette pack deeper in her purse. This resulted in Deena's face to blush.

'Either she just started smoking, or she's trying to quit.' Serena reflected.

"Here, you can have the locker next to mine." Deena suggested with a smile.

"Um...Thanks!" Serena responded, as she put her purse into the locker, followed by her shutting it.

"No problem! Now, we better head on in!" Deena emphasized.

"Right!" Serena conveyed.

The women went back out to the waiting room to get the upcoming patient. The hours went by so fast that neither of them knew what time it was getting to be. Suddenly, Serena's stomach reminded her that it was empty.

'Wow!' Serena contemplated, as she examined her watch and included. "It's lunchtime, already?"

With that, Serena went back to her locker and retrieved her purse.

"Hey Serena! You want to eat lunch with us?" Deena requested.

"Not today. I need to make some phone calls. Rain check?" Serena replied.

"Sure. C-ya in an hour!" Deena said, as she removed her pouch and left.

Serena had reached her car and clambered in. She packed her lunch, because she didn't know anything about this place, or the food locations nearby. Everyone here was so nice, even Dr. Nebb. The receptionist, Patty. Well, she wasn't thrilled about Mondays.

Serena checked her phone; she had five missed calls. One each from her mom and Mina. Three missed text messages from Raye, Amy and Lita. Serena texted them all back, but called her mom and told her about her day, of it so far. Shortly, Serena ended the call with her mother. Subsequently, she inhaled the rest of her lunch, and took a sip of her cold crisp diet coke.

"Ah! That hits the spot!" Serena verbalized.

Before long, it was time to return to work. Serena clocked in and so did the others. Then, they were slammed for a solid two hours. It was odd, but they kept busy. Finally, it had begun to slow down, and it went back to its turtle pace. Serena went over to Patty and quizzed.

"Who's next, Patty?"

"Here you go, Serena!" Patty pronounced, as she reached her the folder that had the succeeding patient's name inside.

"Thank you! Andrew?!" Serena pressed, confused.

"Yep." Andrew affirmed.

"I thought you had an appointment in a couple of weeks?" Serena questioned.

"Well, I did, but a friend of mine needed to come on in, too. So, I just asked if they could see us both. Also, my friend has been having car troubles and this was the only day he was off from work." Andrew rejoined, while Serena put a bib on him.

"Ah! I see. Where is your friend at?" Serena inquired, as she adjusted the chair level.

Andrew sighed. "He must still be on the phone trying to straighten out the insurance company about his car." Andrew implied through a mouthful. Serena was examining his mouth and began to clean his teeth.

"Oh, okay." Serena replied back. "That's it. Dr. Nebb will be in a jiffy."

"Thanks Serena! It was nice seeing you again. Stop by at the arcade, anytime!" Andrew indicated.

"It was nice seeing you too, Andrew. Sounds like a plan. I miss those chocolate milkshakes." Serena mentioned.

Andrew and Serena chuckled and soon after Serena left and shut the door behind her. She went to put Andrew's folder in the 'Need to be See' or 'Next Up' section box.

In the midst of doing that task, Serena heard the name, "Darien Shields." She halted in her tracks. In doing so, Serena's heart skipped a beat.

'Nah, it couldn't be! He moved away for college!' Serena deliberated, bewildered. She took a peek in the waiting room and abruptly duck back.

'OH MY GOD! It's him! The most handsome man on this planet. WOW! His short jet-black hair with a few pieces of hair that fell into his dreamy blue eyes. Darien wore blue jeans and a dark green shirt that covered his muscle tone arms and chest.' Serena speculated, as she watched him get up to talk to Patty, the receptionist.

Serena never told anyone about her crush on him, not even the girls knew her secret.

'Relax, Serena! He's not into you, remember? Don't forget how he was such a jerk to you in high school! Guys like that NEVER changed! But I wonder?!' Serena pondered.

"Hey Deena, will you mine if I take this one?" Serena coveted, as she grasped the papers.

"An old friend of yours" Deena beseeched, puzzled.

"You could say that!" Serena admitted and whirled to face him.

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