Chapter 7

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What had just occurred a few days ago, astonished Darien.

'I actually admitted to Serena that I like her and now we are a couple! It's just a relief that she knows how I feel about her. I'm elated we are together.' Darien reflected, as he rinsed his tooth brush out and placed it in the cup.

He turned the kitchen light off and clambered into bed. These two mini break days have gone by fast for them. It was true that trying to see one another, because of their hectic work schedule was difficult, but they would manage.

Suddenly, images of Serena surrounded his mind, as he drifted off to sleep.

The weekend flew by and yet again Monday was here. Serena was still shocked that her and Darien were dating. She visited her parents yesterday and expressed to them her wonderful news. Her mother was so happy, but her father didn't say anything. Mr. Mills sat there speechless, and only mumbled when Serena was leaving and cited.

"Bye. Love you!"

Serena's mom wanted her to bring Darien up one weekend to meet him. Serena disclosed to her when he gets the next weekend off that they would try. In doing so, she hugged her mother goodbye.

Later on, Serena made it back to her apartment. Promptly, she found a note clung to her door. Serena collected and read it.

Hello Sere,

Sorry, I missed you! We need to get each other's #'s. Hope you don't mind this letter. Ttyl. My blushing Meatball head. I'll let you know when my next day off is. Love you!


'He's got a point. Yeah, we do need to do that. That's the only downside of being in this relationship, is our different work hours. But I think we can adjust to it.' Serena acknowledged and got a piece of paper and pen.

Then, she wrote the following:


Sorry, we keep missing one another. I don't mind the letters. Yes, we do need to exchange #'s. You are something, my CLJ. <smiley face> Ttyl. Love you, too.


Serena shoved it underneath his door, as he did with hers. By and by, she took the advantage to get some groceries and painting supplies. She also needed to call the girls, but it could wait.

Thereafter, Serena had put up the perishables and called each of the girls. Amy was first, but she couldn't talk long. She was helping her cousin, Mark with his studies. Amy was happy for Serena, and told her that she was off next Sunday. She had also discovered that the rest of the girls were too. Lita had a wedding cake and catering to do Saturday. Raye was helping her grandfather to do some chores. Mina was actually off Sunday and was at work right now, but before the call ended, she blurted.

"I knew it! Love was in the air!"

The girls wanted to meet this Darien fellow. By Serena's description they knew exactly who she was talking about. They all agreed that next Sunday was fine with them to come to Serena's.

'Well, that didn't take long!' Serena scrutinized and sighed.

She picked up her paintbrush and dipped it in a fuchsia color and began to paint a flower. The sound of the buzzard made her jump to a halt. It was her washer machine that announced that her clothes were finished. She would check further on for a letter from Darien.

'I wonder how he is? Ugh! We need each other's number! Drats! This is killing me! I miss those lips, the sweetness of his sugar kisses. How, I long for them! But, I need to let him be, for he needs his rest.' Serena pondered.

Before the lovebirds knew it, six o'clock had approached. Darien got ready and headed into work. Serena went ahead and completed her painting.

'I might fix one of those single serve pizzas for supper,' Serena contemplated.

She retrieved it from the freezer and positioned it in the oven. Posterior to, she got her plate ready for when it was done. Serena set the timer and it was a good thing she did, because there was a knock on her door.

'Who that could be?' Serena forethought.

"Darien!" Serena exclaimed, excitedly.

"Hi, Sere! Do you have your phone handy?" Darien requested.

"Yeah, I sure do?!" Serena answered, baffled.

"May I borrow it?" Darien pressed.

Serena reached him her phone. She admired how sexy Darien was in his forest green scrubs. She watched as he typed something into her phone. Next, he glanced at hers and punched something into his.

"Um? Darien, what are you doing?" Serena quizzed.

"I was adding us to one another's contacts," Darien alleged.

"Oh, okay." Serena conveyed and smiled.

"Well, Sere-I better go!"

"K," Serena implied.

Darien leaned in and gave Serena a sweet kiss. Her heart almost fluttered out of her chest. They both said their goodbyes and he was gone, then Serena shut the door. Her pizza was baked and now she seated herself to eat.

Afterwards, she endured a nice warm bath. When Serena departed from the tub, she spotted that her phone was flashing.

"Oh! I have a text message!" Serena verbalized, surprised.

It was from Darien. He had let her know that he was off next Sunday.

'Perfect! The girls can finally meet him!' Serena thought.

Thereupon, she sent back the following:

"Great! The girls r wantin 2 meet u!"

"Really?" Darien responded.

"Yep. Do u remember them?" Serena asked.

"I think so." Darien replied back and added. "Gotta go! Ttyl MMBH Love u!" <smiley face>

"K. B careful. Ttyl CLJ. Love u 2!" Serena riposted.

Abruptly, she got another one.

"What's CLJ?" Darien questioned.

Serena giggled to herself, she wondered when he was going to ask that. So, she typed in.

"Crazy Lovable Jerk."

"Ah, okay. Should have seen that coming! Lol. Ttyl. Luv u!"

"Lol. Ttyl. Luv u 2!" Serena rejoined.

Serena got ready for bed. Even though tomorrow was Tuesday it would be another Monday to her. It was odd being off like this. The reason for it was that Dr. Nebb had plans for the weekend and wouldn't be back until Tuesday morning.

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