Chapter 8

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The prior day went alright. Serena met Darien on the stairs. He had texted her to let her know he was going to be late. Serena noticed how tired he was and she didn't keep him long. They gave each other a kiss and hello's, see you soon and goodbyes. Then, the twosome headed in different directions.

At work, Serena handed Patty the paper's that she completed that Friday. The same Friday she was with Darien at the hospital. Somehow this page was long forgotten, until now. Serena blushed at the recalled memory of that day.

Before now, Serena had not voiced the fact her and Darien were together, for she wanted to see how this relationship went.

Serena put her purse in the locker and she grabbed her badge and exited the room.

'Today was going to be an awesome day!' Serena thought with confidence, as she couldn't wait to see Darien.

Deena had taken today off to take her niece, Tammy to her first rehabilitation appointment after having surgery. Since Tammy's parents had to fix their schedule a bit. So, for the time being, Deena would transport the girl to the venue.

The week went pretty fast and Serena still got her sweet kisses from her and only lovable Jerk.

Finally, Friday has arrived. Deena was so excited. Tammy was doing well in physical therapy.

All the sudden, Serena heard Patty call out to her that she had a phone call. Doing such, Serena went over and picked up the receiver and uttered.

"Hello? DARIEN! What's wrong? I'm Fine...Really? K... No, that's fine...It must be...I know. I will..."

Serena peeked down at her phone and realized it was off.

"Oops sorry. Yeah, sure. Love you, too! Bye!" Serena hung up the phone.

Patty demonstrated a confused facial expression and Deena came to stand beside her.

"Who was that?" Deena queried.

"That was Darien," Serena affirmed.

"The same Darien you call a Jerk?" Patty exhorted.

"Yeah, the same!" Serena responded.

"So, what did the arrogant Jerk have to say?" Deena questioned.

"Didn't sound like he was being impudent. Last I checked, saying 'love you' was not being rude," Patty specified.

"WHAT?! Wait! What did I miss when I was gone?" Deena beseeched.

"Well..." Serena replied, as she faced Deena and Patty listened in.

"We're dating now. We've talked and before we knew it-...Well, we ended up being with one another!"

"You are? Congrats, hun!" Patty apprised, as the phone began to ring. She lifted up the receiver and, in the background, they heard her greeting towards the person on the other line.

"You have to tell me all about it!" Deena suggested.

"Oh, I will!" Serena imparted, and giggled. Followed by, Serena expressing the whole story of the outcome of her and Darien's so-called date.

Afterwards, Deena commented. "You never know. Maybe a wedding is in the future."

"Oh, Deena. I'm taking one tooth at a time!" Serena alleged, and grinned. In return, the two laughed.

This quote made its debut one day, from then on it stuck with them. It basically meant, 'take one problem at a time.'

Friday's workday had finally ended and everyone was glad. Now, Serena was looking forward to Sunday to come. She was missing her friends-family terribly. It had been a long time since they had actually spent the day together.

~ Saturday ~

Serena cleaned all day. Darien and the girl's called to make sure that Sunday plans were still on, which it was. Just like clockwork around six p.m. Darien knocked on her door, followed by a sweet kiss, before he headed into work. The lovers spoke of their goodbyes. Darien's work schedule was messed up, but Katie told him that she would work on it, so he could be off that weekend.

'Honestly, I will be so relieved when the meeting with my parents is over,' Serena ruminated.

~ Sunday ~

Serena got up and fixed her famous ham n' cheese rolls, and ranch dip. Next, the chips and cookies. The girls were bringing drinks. What Serena had prepared wasn't much, but it was something. It wasn't long till the girls showed up. Lita brought some of her GOOD food. Serena's mouth began to water from the heavenly smell.

Amy and Raye took a seat on the couch, while Mina and Lita helped Serena in the kitchen. The kitchen space was a tight fit, it was hardly enough room for two people.

"Hey girl! How has it been?" Mina probed.

"Good. What about ya?" Serena implored.

"Doing good!" Mina answered.


"Did-do. Life is good!" Lita stated, as she peered into the bags.

Soon after, she sat the ingredients down for her famous beef stew soup.

Only Lita could take small ingredients and make it to a feast. Serena went into the living room to speak to Amy and Raye.

"Hi, guys!" Serena announced.

"Hey, Serena!" Amy and Raye responded in unison.

"How ya been?" The girls inquired together.

"Fine!" They cited together.

In no time, Darien had come over. Each of the girls spoke to him and interrogated him with an abundance of questions. They all joke and kid around. The group was having a good time. At that point, Serena took the dishes into the kitchen and entered the living room once again.

At that moment, Darien stood up and faced Serena, as she beamed at him. However, this expression changed into bewilderment when she watched Darien knelt and he put forward.

"Serena, will you do the honors of being my wife? I know we haven't dated long, but we have known one another for years...I can't-I don't want anyone else! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!" Darien disclosed, while he slipped the ring onto her left ring finger.

The ring was gorgeous and Serena vocalized. "This is beautiful! Yes!"

The couple kissed and the girls cheered and announced. "CONGRATULATIONS!"

"Its beauty doesn't compare to yours," Darien emphasized.

The light would bounce off the single heart-shaped diamond that was in the middle of a golden band.

Later, the girls agreed that this togetherness was much needed and remarked on how they loved Serena's apartment. It was small, but likable. They asked what she was going to do now that she was engaged to her 'neighbor?' Directly, Serena relayed the following.

"We take it one tooth-eh-problem at a time. But first you and me." Serena said, as she pointed to Darien and added. "Have to definitely tell mom and dad!"

"Yeah, we will. I hope your dad doesn't kill me!" Darien conveyed in a bantering manner.

"Me too!" Serena asserted.

'I hope not either.' Serena agonized.

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