Chapter 10

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Hello everyone! I apologize for the shortness of this chapter. 

Serena blushed and covered her body from him.

"Don't hide from me! You're so beautiful!"

"Okay?!" Serena uttered, unsure.

Darien gave her a sweet kiss, as she reciprocated it.

Serena giggled nervously at what was about to take place.

'This was actually going to happen. Before we get married?! I'm going to enjoy this as much as I can! When did we end up in the bedroom?' Serena questioned in her mind.

'She's actually going through this?! I was sure by now that she would have stopped me. She had always talked about waiting, till we were wed. I guess we will see how far this goes.' Darien thought to himself.

Serena straddled Darien's lap and she could feel the tip of his penis close to her womb. She continued to kiss him, while Darien stroked and tickled her womanhood by his fingertips. The fire feeling was getting to her and she needed relief. Serena kissed Darien and inserted her tongue into his mouth. Due to this, the couple moaned.

Darien could tell by her wetness that she was indeed ready for him. In doing so, he asked.

"This will hurt. But it won't last long. Are you ready?"

In return, Serena nodded 'yes.'

Darien positioned himself and entered her interior very gently. She made a scream, but nothing came out. This made Darien halt in mid-action.

"Serena, just breathe! Breath! It's going to be okay." Darien advised.

Serena did as instruct. She relaxed and nodded for him to keep on.

Consecutively, Darien went sluggishly and when he felt her loosen up, he went back to a swift motion. Serena's groans made him go faster and faster, until they both had reached their peak.

Serena endured the fiery inside and the movement that Darien demonstrated did not help it. The pain was so hard to handle, but Darien was correct, because it didn't last long. It felt so good at the end. Serena's mind reflected where their bodies move in the same rhythm and the joyousness of the speed.

"Wow!" Serena rejoined, as she came back to earth.

"I know! You were wonderful!" Darien confessed, as he pushed her body close to him.

"But I hardly did anything?!" Serena mentioned.

"You did more than what you think!" Darien alleged.

"Like what?" Serena beseeched.

Darien chuckled and put forth. "I love you, Serena-Always!"

"I love you too, Darien and Always!" Serena cited, and smiled.

"Are you sleeping here tonight?" Darien pressed.

"I guess. However, we need to get up early. I will have to visit my apartment. To hunt out some clothes to wear."

"Okay, I'll set the alarm. Sweet dreams my beautiful Meatball Head!" Darien replied, cheeky.

"Sweet dreams my wonderful, Lovable Jerk!" Serena responded.

The couple kissed and fell rapidly asleep, cuddling together.

Serena woke up, and recognized something warm beside her. Suddenly, she raised up and glanced around.

'Oh! I'm at Darien's!' Serena mentated, as she looked at the clock.

It was twelve minutes after three.

'SHIT! It's morning! Well, kinda. I better go ahead and get my bath over with.'

Serena slipped out of the bed, quietly. Next, she found her clothes by the light of her cellphone. Thereafter, Serena put them on and crept towards the door. She left softly, then unlocked her door and went in. Serena headed into the bathroom and started the water and plugged it. While it was running, she retrieved her fresh clean PJ's and under garments. She undressed herself and noticed the bruises coming onto her skin from just hours of before. Lucky, she could hide them so no one would see the marks. Her legs and her vagina hurt. Actually, her whole-body aches and she hopes that this nice relaxing warm bath would help.

'How relaxing! I definitely needed this. And the pain had subsided for now.' Serena acknowledged after she climbed into the tub and let her body adjust to the water's temperature.

An hour went by, Serena got out of the tub and dressed herself. She decided to send Darien a text message. To let him know where she was at and didn't want to disturb him. Serena switched the lights off and went to bed and fell asleep.

The sound of her alarm woke up Serena. It was hard for her to believe it was time to get up, since she just had to set the clock. Serena quickly got up, dressed and ate. Ensuingly, she contacted her parents to inform them they were on the way.

Darien woke up freezing and observed he was by himself and the added heat had vanished.

'Where in the world did she go?'

Instantly, his alarm went off.

'DAMN IT! Here we go,' Darien cogitated.

All of the sudden, Darien received a text from Serena. She notified him that she needed to clean up and let her know when he got this.

'That's where she went!' Darien forethought and typed in, "Okay."

Straight away, he got ready, ate and dialed her number.

Minutes later, they reached her parent's driveway. Serena was surprised that Darien still had the old red BMW car. The couple walked hand in hand up the walk, both antsy.

"Please Darien, Call me Mom!" Mrs. Mills disclosed, warmly.

After the introductions and Serena showing off the ring. Mr. Mills had proclaimed nothing throughout the visit. Her mom made beef, rice and soup. Once they had finished, Darien engaged in a conservation with Mr. Mills. Meanwhile, Serena and her mom cleaned up the kitchen and was in their own discussion.

"Hello, Sir-Mr. Mills! I just want you to know that I will take care of your daughter." Darien implied.

"I say so!" Mr. Mills remarked, in a snarl, followed by an abundance of questions. "Where do you work? Live? Do you know anything about taking care of babies? Her needs-"

The list continued so hastily that Darien couldn't answer them all, but he tried.

Darien overheard the women talk about the wedding details. Whereas the kitchen and living room were adjoining to one another. Darien just nodded to what Mr. Mills said.

Few minutes later, Mr. Mills ceased the interrogation, which relieved Darien.

Soon after, they imparted their goodbyes and the couple advanced on home.

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