Chapter 3

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Serena glanced down at the paper and smiled to herself.

'Boy, ain't he gonna be shocked! He always stated that I wouldn't make it anywhere! HA! Look at me, now!' Serena thought, as she opened the metal entrance.

'What was taking so long? It's nice to have a new dental vicinity assembled in the once empty lot. This venue seems nice, just hate the waiting! Oh, this tooth!' Darien pondered, irritated.

Minutes later, the door ajar and Darien remarked. "YOU?!"

Serena ignored the comment, as she beamed at him and replied with.

"Hello, Mr. Shields! My name is Serena. I will be examining your teeth today. Could you please tell me what brings you here today?" Serena vocalized, while she seated herself in the roller chair. Next, she started to type information into the computer.

Darien gave a light chuckle and reflected. 'Wow! His Meatball Head had sure proved him wrong! Wait! Did he just admit that?! What am I thinking?! Yeah, she had always been attractive, even now in her pink scrubs. Stop that! You two were kids back then! She's probably married anyways.'

Instantly, he looked at her left hand at a certain finger and noticed it was bare. When Darien went to answer her question, he couldn't, because he was caught in her blue sparkling eyes. Darien noted her famous hairstyle was gone and medium length blonde hair put in a ponytail in its place.

Serena cleared her throat to get his attention. Axiomatically, Darien shook his head.

"Mr. Shields? Are you feeling okay?" Serena asked.

"Yeah. I'm having some pain back here!" Darien informed, as he gestured inside at his jaw.

"Okay. Let's take a look." Serena imparted, as she put the 'bib' around his neck and adjusted the seat he was in. So, she could observe the interior of his mouth.

"Looks like you have... A bruise tooth. However, Dr. Nebb will have to examine it, to confirm this. He will be in shortly." Serena conveyed, as she exited the instruments out of his mouth and stationed them on the mini table.

"Whatever you say, Meatball Head!" Darien said and sneered.

"What?" Serena inquired.

"Don't tell me you have forgotten your name? Meatball Head!" Darien responded and snickered.

Serena could feel her face boil and mumbled, "Jerk!" She took a breath and expressed. "Mr. Shields, I'm not that girl you knew in high school!" Then, she slammed the door rugged behind her.

'The nerve of that guy! Who does he think he is?!!'Serena scrutinized, angrily.

'She hasn't changed at all! Well, maybe a little bit. Wait, until Drew here's about this!' Darien forethought.

The workday had ended and Serena was so relieved it had. She made it back to her parent's house. Today was the day she was moving into her lodge and she wasn't letting that 'Jerk' get to her. Mrs. Mills had chicken and rice fixed and the family ate. Later on, the group headed towards the apartments. When they got there, Serena located the gold numbers to her very own studio. Then, she inserted the key in the hole and unlocked it. Afterwards, they carried all the boxes from her car and into the suite. The living room was a sight with the boxes stacked on top one another, in wait to be unpack. Serena told her parents thanks and gave them a hug. Thereafter, her parents left. She began to feel lonely, but she knew how to fix that and that was to keep busy.

"Let's do this!" Serena alleged, as she opened the first box and put the items in position.

Posterior to this task, Serena realized she was in need of some music.

Serena hunted out her mini radio, turned it on and cranked it up. She hadn't even thought she would disturb her neighbor in room, #206.

Suddenly, there was a hard knock-on Serena's door. She flipped the melody down and went to the door and unchained it, before it extended all the way. Serena uttered, "YOU!"

Darien didn't know who his new neighbor was, but whoever it was sure didn't give a damn about anyone else. He uncovered the sheets that was on him and head to the Room #205.

'Did I just hear singing? From what he heard sound like a girl! Well, she's going to know that you have to keep quiet at times!

Darien knocked loudly at the wooden flab. From behind the door, he heard the harmony's volume lessened and moving feet coming towards him. Subsequently, the sound of the door being unbolted was heard.

"YOU!" Darien and the woman cited in unison.

"I can't believe this! SHIT!" Serena disclosed, ill tempered.

Darien took advantage of this and spouted. "Well, Meatball Head! It's a surprise to see you here! Seeing how you could never save any money!"

As a result, he smirked at her.

"Jerk! Some people do change and then some don't!" Serena retorted, distasteful. She collected herself and calmly requested. "Mr. Shields, may I ask why you are here?"

'Oh, she's going to play that kind of game! Okay, I'm in!' Darien thought.

"Could you please keep the music down! Some of us actually work at night, you know! Good day, Meatball Head!"

Immediately, the door was slammed in front of Darien. He let out a light chuckle. 'Glad she hasn't really changed. She has a beautiful body, her hips fit just right in those blue jeans and her breasts snugged closely against that pink top. Her blonde hair is put back in a purple bandanna. Serena's eyes still had that sparkle in them. Such a beauty! Wait! What? Snapped out of Darien! Me- liking Meatball Head! I don't think so! Not in my lifetime!' Darien reviewed, as he climbed into bed to get a few more hours of sleep.

Days passed and the night had fallen. Today had gone by fast where she had unboxed more of her belongings. Serena decided it was time to get some shuteye. In doing so, Serena put on her PJ's, brushed her teeth and set her alarm. Soon after, she switched the lights off and crawled into her comfy bed.

Unexpectedly, she overheard beats and bangs in the next room over.

'What the hell is he doing? Never-mind, I don't want to know!' Serena emphasized.

The noises kept her up, so she marched over there and pounded on the 'Jerk's' door.

"Yes?" Darien confirmed, after he unlatched the entry.

"Do you mind! Some people have to work during the day, you know! SO PLEASE KEEP QUIET! Good night, Jerk!" Serena yelled out. Followed by a spin around, as she went back to her chambers.

'Some people, I never! Was he wearing scrubs? Oh, well!' Serena agonized.

All of a sudden, the image of him came to her mind. Darien's naked and muscle chest with sweatpants, plus his black hair messed up from being dormant. Not to mention his deep ocean blue eyes made him so dreamy!

"Get a grip, Serena! No way, I will be with that Jerk! I'm just tired, that's why I am acting like this!" Serena contemplated vocally.

Imminently, she laid back down and fell fast to sleep.

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