[2] The Queen Bee is Mackenzie

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Chapter 2 - The Queen Bee is Mackenzie
(I made that rhyme in purpose.)

"(Y/N)! Come on! We gotta wake up! It's our first day in WCD!!!"

You woke up with groan. Your little sister always likes waking you up early in the morning. This is why you never use alarm clocks.

"Shut up Anna! I want to sleep!" You shouted back.

Anna snatched your phone from your bedside table and played her favorite song from the Princess Sugar Plum Movie. Then she turned up the volume and placed in near your ear. The song was so loud and annoying that it made you jump out of bed immediately.

"You little munchkin! That almost shattered my eardrums!" You screamed.

Anna giggled mischievously and ran away from your room. You sighed. Sisters can be super annoying!

You stretched you limbs and got ready for school. You took a short shower and dashed to your closet to pick an outfit for your first day in your new school. You decided to wear a fashionable, lavender top and a white pair of leggings for today. Then you added a hint of lip gloss on your lips, a cute clip on your hair, and a little bracelet on your wrist for good luck.

After dressing up, you dashed downstairs to eat your mom's pancakes for breakfast.

"Goodmorning mom!" You greeted your mother before you took a seat. You ate a piece of the pancake. Yum!

"Goodmorning, sweetie pie! Are you excited for your first day at WCD?" Your mom asked.

"Yeah." You answered.

"That's good to hear, sweetie. Now you better eat those pancakes quickly or you'll be late for school!"

You nodded as you continue to eat your pancake. As soon as you were done eating, you put your plate on the sink and put on your favorite pair of shoes. Then you walked outside.

Since the school is just a few blocks away, you can just ride your bike to school. But first, you decided to send a quick text to Sunrise.

You: Today's my first in WCD! I am so excited!

Sunrise: Cool! Good luck! ^_^

You: Thanks!!!

You shoved your phone inside your pocket, rode your bike, and peddled to school.

Your new school is bigger than what you expect it to be and definitely more fancier than your school. You parked your bike and walked inside.

The halls are packed with many different students. You scanned the crowd. No one seems to have noticed you enter the building.

You stopped by the office to grab your schedule. A pretty girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes stared at you as you enter the room. She was wearing the most stylish and expensive-looking clothes you ever seen in your life. She was wearing a TON of lip gloss.

Next to her is another girl who has blonde hair too. She was wearing a chic blouse and a pink miniskirt. If you had spotted her in a toy store, you would probably have mistaken her for a fashion doll.

The girl with a ton of lip gloss looked at you from top to bottom as if she was examining you. She turned towards the other girl and whispered something to her. The girl nodded.

"Um... Hey! I'm (Y/N)." You smiled awkwardly. "I'm just here to pick up my class schedule."

The girl who looked like a fashion doll handed you a piece of paper. "Here ya go. This is your schedule." She said in a bored tone.

"Thanks." You said, taking the paper from her.

She turned towards her friend and you overheard her whisper, "So, Mackenzie. What do you think of this girl?"

"I think she's what we're looking for..." Mackenzie replied.

"Um, excuse me. I'm still here!" You interrupted.

The two girls turned towards you. Mackenzie approaches you and examines you once again before introducing herself.

"I'm Mackenzie Hollister. The one and only queen bee of the CCPs in WCD." She pointed at the other girl. "That girl over there is my BFF, Jessica. She one of the CCPs too."

"Uh, nice to meet you, I guess..." You replied awkwardly. You have no idea what CCP means but you decided not to ask. They'll probably tell you later on...

"So... We're inviting you over to sit with us during lunch time." Mackenzie said.

"Me?!" You exclaimed with shock. No one ever invited you to sit with them during lunch before. Yet alone a queen bee of a fancy school!

"Yah, of course you." Mackenzie nodded.

"Um, ok-k." You stuttered, still quite surprised. "T-thanks I guess..."

"Good. Now see you at lunch!" Mackenzie cried. She peeked at your schedule and noticed something.

"OMG! I can't believe it! Your locker is right next to mine." Mackenzie gushed.

"What a coincidence!" Jessica exclaimed. "You really are meant to become one of us. You deserve to be a CCP."

You looked at them in confusion and finally decided to ask. "Um, what's a CCP exactly?"

"It means Cute, Cool, and Popular." Jessica explained. "CCPs are like the rulers of this school."

"Oh." Was all you can say. If only they knew what you were like at your old school! They probably won't accept you in the CCP group.

"Now you better come with us, (Y/N)." Mackenzie said with a smile. "Classes are starting soon. I have to get to my first class early. I don't want my reputation to be ruined just because I am late for some silly class!"

You followed Mackenzie out of the office. You totally didn't expect any of this things to happen to you. You're glad that you got the opportunity to study in this school. You can tell that life is gonna be cool and breezy now that you're one of the CCPs...

...or will it??

A/N: Woo-Hoo! I'm finally finished writing this chapter! I know you probably hate me right now because I made you become friends with Mackenzie or something. Please don't be! Keep on hanging and wait for the next chapter to come. You'll probably meet Nikki Maxwell very soon...

BAI!!! ~Sunshine (a.k.a The Awesome, Insane Tomato!!! 😜🍅😜🍅)

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